{MEMORY of the runaway}

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Through the veil of past and present...
A memory makes itself known.

Gunshots echo throughout the forest.
A bullet hits a Little blue lynx no older than 10.
"I hit her! This way!"
Her tormentors shout as if she was some sort of lucrative bounty.

It hit her abdomen just below her lungs. It hurts but she can still run. Nothing here will compare to the punishment she will receive if they bring her back to him...

"Come on Katy you can do this!" The little lynx says to herself as she runs, fueled by pure fear and adrenaline now.

A bullet whizzed right past her head going through her messy hair.
Suddenly she hears a strange mechanism fire before a long metal spike embeds itself deep into her left arm.

"NO!" She screams before gripping the spike and tearing it out of her arm. She will not let it shock her again.

By now the little girl is running through the forest with multiple severe injuries along her body, blood leaking from most of them. Any other kit would have surely fallen by now.
She keeps running until she sees a now familiar transparent lynx glowing a pleasant cyan. They have helped her survive this long and had promised to help her again.

"over here!" they murmured and Kathryn eagerly followed them.
"this way!" Another shouted.
"come on!"
"they're almost gone!"
"You can do it!"

All these words and more followed her as she makes her break for it. Her hunters now beginning to lose sight of her.
Eventually she is lead to a decayed tree with a little cave underneath being held up by its roots.
"HERE!!!" All the the other lynxes shouted at her pointing at the cave as she duck into it.
Behind her the ghostly cats beginning moving and twisting the trees roots to hide her entrance before the hunters came.

"You sure the blood leads here?"
"Yea but it suddenly stops here!?! Doesn't make no god dam sense!"

... the blue lynx stay as quiet as they possibly can. Their heart beating faster the more the footsteps approach.

"Fuck. We lost her..."
"....I'll tell leader."
... a radio is heard being used.
"..... sir.... We lost her"
" Well then..." our little heroine's spine shiver at that voice... she knows the owner of it far too well...
"You know the consequence. Now fix you mistakes and pay your dues."
"Yes sir..." the radio is hung up.
" as if we are actually gonna just kill ourselves, I mean- Hey! Wait! What are you doin—!?!?"
A loud Bang is heard as well as a sudden think of something heavy falling. Multiple other gunshots can be heard in the distance....
"For our savior..."
Another gunshot fires before the second body falls to the floor...

D-Did she make it?

"YES!!!" The little lynx celebrates quietly. She has finally escaped...

Which attempt was this? Her 16th? Doesn't matter anymore.

The lynx crawls out from the tree before sitting down and resting her head on it.
"Thank you big friend..."

"And thank you too you little ghosts" she says not expecting a response from either party. She is alone.

The blue lynx examines the wounds on her body. The smaller ones have already begun to close up while the bigger ones would require a few more hours. She knows that later on she will have to remove any loose metal inside her but for now she doesn't care.... She's out. For a moment She wonders why the other cats and dogs don't seem to put themselves together like she does... then again her tormentors called her "special" so maybe that's why?
She leens back on the tree that had hid her and looks to the sky.

She is finally free...
And now maybe...
She can finally live.

The little blue lynx closes her eyes. Soon she will need to find civilization. But right now... she needs to sleep...

Sweet dreams little champion...
You deserve it.

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