[C2:R] hanging out before the show!

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Zulio Limo Cottonsworth

PROTAGONISTS: Zulio Limo Cottonsworth

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As Zulio continues to head home, he eventually runs into Two of his friends on the way. Dusk and Dawn are talking about the part few days, Dawn looks a bit more comfortable than before and Dusk is seemingly back to his usual self... their scars still remain however.... Nothing has been able to fix them.

"...So yea. I'm pretty sure Ma really wants those two cats dead." Dusk finishes as Zu gets into earshot range.
"Well she certainly had the means to do it... if you know what I mean." Zu says as he approaches them, startling the Chihuahua with the mention of his parents 'less than legal activities' as he puts it. "Anyways, how are you Snowy?"
"Oh I'm fine... just a bit... off.. If you know what I mean... tho hopefully some music can cheer me up..." she doesn't mind being called by her real name unlike her small companion, it was Dusk's idea originally for their new names anyways. Apparently Snowflake and Sandy are not the most 'Cool' names for the chihuahua, so he had them go by Dusk and Dawn. Thus creating the horizon duo.
"I feel ya, you dusk?" The xolo responds.
"I'm ready to Rock and roll!" The small dog says with confidence and enthusiasm. Admittedly Rock is not Zulio's nor Dawn's preferred choice of music but they won't deny their friend for his taste.
"I was thinking more of a less intense song... you know, To get back into the swing of things. Just till we shake off the rigor mortis so to speak?" Zu says making Dawn giggle at the rather morbid joke.
"Ugh. Fine. Your loss tho." Dusk says as they continue walking to the Cottonsworth residence. Chatting about current events along the way.


Upon arriving at their destination the trio finds a yellow eyed Dalmatian awaiting them.

"Took y'all long enough!" Maxwell calls out from the porch. He's currently siping on a mango smoothie. The Dalmatian is wearing his flannel shirt with a pair of jeans, he's clearly not bothered by the slight chill in the air. "Yo Zu! Your paps made some snacks inside. Want some some?"
"You know Max, at this point I'd think you spend more time at Zu's house than himself!" Dusk says in a lighthearted manner.

Zulio notices something a little odd... why does Max still seem... fatigued? Didn't he sleep at all? Oh well... I'll just chalk it up to the drama that's happening.
"Say let's head inside shall we? It's a bit cold for me." The xolo proposed to the group and they all murmured their agreement, even Dawn despite not feeling the cold at all due to her thick fluffy coat agreed. Likely out of care and respect for her friends rather than her own preference, something she does quite a bit of... well that and getting them out of trouble or doing something simply stupid, tho that's usually Dusk and Max that she has to intervene. A positive of her genetics is that due to her size and natural strength, not many people can confidently tell her "no". Not that she prefers to fight or anything like that, she's what people like to call "a gentle giant".

The group head's inside to find that cooper had in fact, gotten some snacks for them. A few bacon-bone treats are seen along with some chips, dip, some smoothies, and The Great Dane himself is seen baking some fresh sugar cookies.
"Hey dad!" The pyrophobe says as he passes by his father and grabs a apple off the counter.
"Hey champ!" Cooper happily says as the others grabs some snacks themselves, dusk grabbing some chips, Dawn a baconbone, and Max a slice of watermelon. They then promptly sit in the living room. Better to socialize with their band members than head strait to the grind. Standard procedure for our group. Maxwell sits on the couch along with Dawn as Dusk sits on the floor munching on his chips, Passing them around whenever asked. Zulio tends to sit on a smaller armchair, Leaving the larger one to his dad. But of course we have Grey—
oh... yea... Greyson isn't here anymore... he would usually sit right next to Max on the couch... they were inseparable... I don't think he ever got over it either... I don't blame him... to have someone you cared so much about... suddenly gone.... They would have made such a good cou—
"hey! Zu! Reality to Zu!" Zulios thoughts are interrupted by his friends barks. He had been dozing off.
"Huh?! Oh yeah hi guys!" The xolo snaps out of his trance. Realizing that the cookies are done.
"It's oka-" "OH FUCK YEAH! COOKIES!!!" Maxwell is interrupted by a hungry chihuahua with a bit of a potty mouth. Before being swiftly corrected by a audible grunt from Cooper as he lightly glared from his armchair, appropriately called a master chair by the furniture company.
"Oh- sorry general!" Dusk apologized and earning a chuckle from the Great Dane as he looks at his beret on the fireplace reflectively... before returning to his newspaper muttering something about "the old days". The younger dogs don't understand and return to their snacks.

They all take turns speaking and sharing. Telling each other stories and particularly making light fun of Dusk having eaten a bucket of sand for 20$.
"It was worth I tell you!"
"Sure it is... Sandy!"
They all laugh and giggle. This is what friendship is. Hanging around together even after a tragedy?   Just another day in the office!
Cooper is glad that they are returning to themselves. His worry dies down... seeing his son happy with his friends brings the old dog great joy...

And now it's about time for their little garage show...

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