[C1:SR] Explanations and Confessions.

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Zulio Lumo Cottonsworth

PROTAGONIST: Zulio Lumo Cottonsworth

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Zulio steps outside. It's about dusk now as the sun begins to become low hanging in the sky. A whole lot of dogs both young and mature have gathered around. Some have less scars than others but almost all seem fatal in their own right, Not to mention that some of the students and faculty uniforms are more torn up than others. Luckily there are some dogs and cats handing out spare uniforms to whoever needs them. Zulio considers grabbing one but his uniform has only sustained minor damage, primarily around his scars. He thanks whatever god had allowed his hair clip to not fall off while he was wandering around as a corpse. He still would very much appreciate that explanation.

Thankfully the two wichien siblings stand on a few boxes mimicking a podium. They look right at home with all eyes on them. This is obviously not their first time in front of a crowd. They began to speak using Mittens's wand as a microphone using magic.

"Hello all revived canines! This is Mittens from the esteemed Wichien family speaking! We felines do not mean you any harm!"

Multiple murmurs are heard making their way around the crowd. Some dogs are still dazed from the revival process while others seem to have become fully conscious and aware by now.

"You may notice the scars along you body's and damaged clothing. To put it simply, you all died." Mittens continues before a shout is heard from the crowd.

A moderate sized wolf is seen pointing and snarling towards a black Bombay and a white cat that notably... also has scars. More dogs begin remembering what had happened to them and some join in with the wolf. Zulio gets a headache as he remembers as well, all that had happened to him that night. He was left torn apart and bleeding out in the library until a particular Dalmatian had found him, And wait...

That Dalmatian...
He killed me...

Zulio puts a paw to his neck, there's a scar there far more precise than the others.
Zulio is unsure of what to do with this information... so he decides to just listen to the drama around him.

"Wait! Please, I can explain everything! Just please calm down for a moment!" The black witch cats says with a deeply... sorrowful? Expression on her face.
Some dogs calm down but most are still angry or just plain confused. Suddenly mittens speaks again loudly over the crowd, shutting them up for the moment.

"Alright! Clearly a explanation is needed! First off we had held a sort of... joint school communion day between Hachiko and Kemono. The purpose of this was to prove that dogs and cats can be friendly with each other! In return, we had promised the revival of all of you. Clearly. It was successful. We did have to use the school's facilities unsupervised for this event however, we do hope the faculty will understand the importance of this."

Some of the adults and faculty members who are present murmur to each other before the principal, a large Shiba Inu with seemingly her entire face scarred, nods her head. She does remain very cautious however, as after all her entire school was ransacked and ravaged by demons. Mittens returnes the nod before continuing their speech,

"However! This doesn't mean that you must seek revenge! This might be a chance for our society's to work in peace and not as enemies! If these dogs can set aside their prejudices and work with felines than you all can too!"
The Siamese gestures towards the remaining dogs that helped with the communion day. Of the dogs Zulio recognizes the literature club's president Luna, Holly, Sparky, Ginger, as well as Doug and Rover that have returned with Felix. There are also some other dogs he doesn't know, but that's likely due to him simply not caring enough.
Bye now most of the dogs have settled down but that wolf still remains firm.

He's always been a bully. I'm not sorry for you ya big asshole.

"If you will... may I please speak Mitt?" The Bombay asks, Mitt simply nods before stepping down from the box podium. The bombay than steps up and uses her own wand as a microphone like Mittens.

"Look... I know your probably... furious at me... What I did was wrong and unspeakable in so many ways... But trust me when I say this... Revenge is not the answer. In fact revenge is what got us all into this mess... yes I had murdered you all. I can not deny that. But at least give me a chance to tell my side of the story..." The Bombay speaks in way that clearly shows that she deeply regrets what she has done.
The crowd stare at her. Some low growling can be heard from a select few canines but nobody says anything... so the cat continues.
"My name is Coco Grimalkin. This is my brother Angel Grimalkin... and he was murdered... Murdered by a dog that went to this school..."

That explains the white cat's scars. And... I think I know who did it.. and from the looks of it... a couple others do too. Zulio thinks to himself noticing how some cats and dogs not in the crowd moved slightly uncomfortably.

"I was so... angry. And I vowed to get revenge no matter the cost. But I didn't realize just how far I've gone. It wasn't until I finally found him and met a few other dogs, that I now consider as my closest friends. For me to realize just how badly I had messed up. But I made a promise to fix it... and fix it I believe we did. I will not ask you to forgive me. I do not deserve it.... And while I may not be able to heal your scars... I  still beg of you... do not go down the same path as I did. Let both canines and felines live not as adversaries... but as friends. We can be the difference in our worlds! End these pointless cycles of violence. So Please... Give this a chance..." The witch finishes her plea...


Zulio cant help but feel.... Inspired? For the lack of better words at the moment. Something about even after everything this cat has done... she still decided not to hide but instead, to face the victims of her actions. She opened herself up, knowing well that she could easily be rejected and executed. And even then she did Not beg for forgiveness. But rather to not be like her and to bring a multiple century long conflict to a end... it's hard not to feel inspired by her words.

And it seems...

he's not the only one.
As multiple other dogs begin to lightly howl and/or bark. A sign in canine culture that shows admiration and agreement in a opposing viewpoint. To most cats, this is may seem stupid or annoying. But not to Coco, She instead sees this as a massive honor.
More dogs join in until eventually, almost everyone is either admiring the scene or a part of the howl. If the neighborhood was any closer to the school then they would surely have had some noise complaints...
The xolo eventually can't contain himself as he also follows his natural instincts to howl along with the others. His voice mixing with the thousands of others, All singing with their own personalities and dreams. It stays like this for about a whole five minutes until the noise starts to die down. Likely due to dogs running out of breath.

Perhaps this could work. Just maybe. There are a lot of unknowns in the horizon. But maybe peace is possible.
He certainly wouldn't mind it...

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