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Zulio Limo Cottonsworth
Cooper Gol Cottonsworth

PROTAGONISTS: Zulio Limo Cottonsworth Cooper Gol Cottonsworth

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Zulio rushed his way home, exited to see his dad again. When he reaches the front he looks at the building. It's a moderate sized house, not small but definitely not large. In other words... It's comfortable, a place he has plenty of vivid memories and joys of. It has a garage that he and his friends tend to use as a makeshift studio for the band, least whenever Dads Jeep doesn't require shelter. He wonders how much has changed? Seeing as about a week has passed since the massacre, according to the calendar.

Speaking of which he can only imagine how his adopted father had taken the news of the students death... You see he actually works at the school as a both a janitor as well as the self proclaimed "Guard" due to the old veterans expansive military experience. Despite this most of the school loved him, a good chunk of the students refer to him as "uncle Goliath" due to how Tall he is (a Great Dane with gigantism makes a pretty big dog) not too mention just how kind he is despite his many years as a colonel for the canine militia. Safe to say a lot of dogs loved him like a parent, despite being no way related to them. This never bothered Cooper as he took this "title" in strive, always willing to help and listen whenever he can. However the day of the massacre.... He was sick and bedridden. And despite this he still wanted to go, said he had a "bad feeling" about that day. Zulio really wished he had listened to his dad...

Nevertheless, the hairless dog head toward the front door and attempts to open it. Locked, of course. Zulio then simply rings the door bell and prepares his introduction...

{Pov: Cooper}

Cooper hears the door bell.
"Oh who could that be..." the Massive dog said sadly to himself... these last few days have been...horrible. To say the least...

I should have been there... I could have done something... ANYTHING to protect them... to protect my son... but I wasn't... I failed him... I failed them all...
the old veteran thought to himself as he went slowly towards the door...
While they were being murdered... I was here... sleeping... despite my vow to them... they loved me and I did nothing... and now... I have nothing left but their memories... such good memories...

Cooper makes his way slowly through the hall way. He hates himself for being unable to protect them when they needed it.

Served almost two thirds of my life in the army for what? Not even being able to do what I had promised when I originally enlisted?!?... he thinks angrily to himself.

He passes by multiple photographs of Zu as he grew older. Starting from when he was small and scared after first being adopted, to the Zulio he knows and loves... The Great Dane can't help but have slight tears in his eyes as he passes through...

Cooper reaches the door, unlocking it, Not expecting much as he opens the door...

Only to be met with a miracle. His son, alive, right infront of him.  but how?!?

————{POV: omnipresence}

"Z-Zu? Is T-That really you?!?" The massive dog says in disbelief. He blinks multiple times to make sure he isn't hallucinating...
"Yes dad... I'm here. No your not going crazy... it's... just complicated to say the least. I've got quite the story to tel—" Zulio interrupted by Cooper suddenly hugging him... he can feel his dad's tears coming down. Zulio returned the hug, gripping tightly to his adoptive father. While what seemed barely a day to Zulio, was a long week of absolute despair and mourning to Cooper. They both smiled with relief.

"How? Are you

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"How? Are you... I thought... everyone was dead..." The old dog says through his tears.

"Well... it's a long story. And one I don't entirely understand it either... let's go inside so I can get cleaned up to tell you. I'm absolutely filthy right now..." Zulio responded. Becoming increasingly more aware of just how dirty he currently is.

"Yes... of course. But please promise me to tell me everything... or at least attempt to..." Cooper answers, understanding that Zulio hates being dirty and probably really wants a shower.

"I wouldn't have it any other way... but be prepared cuz... heh it's a real mind sweeper. So yea I promise..." Zulio says as they walk into the house.

"Thank you... my son... and..."

"Welcome home."

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