Start from the beginning

Mick watched her as she went into full-blown panic mode, French words being flung around the room as she paced back and forth with her hands gripping the roots of her hair. Alice sat and watched too, letting her boyfriend try to calm his sister down, both still speaking in their mother's tongue.

What surprised Alice the most was when she fell into Charles' arms crying her eyes out, her mind not letting her think anything else other than the fact she'd ruined her career. Charles consoled her whilst he also found it strange that his sister was crying, she never cried, she hadn't cried in forever, and yet here he was, consoling her.

"Coco it's gonna be okay." Alice soothed, joining the hug as she starts having a panic attack. Charles and Alice looked completely oblivious to it, but when Mick heard the heavy breathing and the struggle he quickly moved out of bed and took her into his arms, playing with her hair and speaking soothing German words to her to calm her down.

"Is she okay?" Charles questions, obviously a little scared that she was dying.

"Panic attack, she's having a panic attack. Shit." Alice clicks her fingers, looking around for an empty glass so she could get her some water.

"I'm gonna be sick."

Mick let her go almost instantly, watching his girlfriend run to the bathroom to empty the remains of the previous night out of her system. Alice sat in the bathroom with her, holding her hair back and getting her to take sips of the glass of water to try and calm her down.

"Coco, it's gonna be okay, I promise." Alice sits across from her, both sitting against the walls of the very small hotel bathroom looking at one another.

"But what if it's not? What if they replace me Al? I've worked my ass off to get here and I've just gone and disobeyed the one rule that could cost me everything." Chanel sighs, pulling her knees to her chest to hide her hungover state.

"Chanel, I promise you everything will be fine. Charles and I spent all night reading the rule book like geeks, and nowhere in that book does it say it's forbidden to date another driver." Alice leans forward, wrapping her arms around her best friend softly.

"Really?" Chanel looks up at her, the sincere look in her eye enough to tell her that it was in fact true.



Chanel swallowed the lump in her throat as she headed to the FIA building in the half-gone paddock, hands shaking with fear as they sat her down in front of Stefano Domenicali. He could tell she was terrified of what was about to happen, whether her career was in jeopardy or whether she was off the hook.

"Good Morning Chanel, nice evening last night?" Stefano begins, watching her nod slowly.

"Look, I know your nervous and that's understandable so I will just cut to the chase, you're not in trouble. Although people say it's 'forbidden' to date a fellow driver, there's no rule for it in the book. You're one of our first female F1 drivers in the modern era, we're proud to have you in the sport." 

Chanel let out a sigh of relief, thankful she didn't have to spend her summer break in constant panic as to whether or not she would lose her seat.

"You've been nothing but delightful since you joined Alfa Romeo and I know you're very nervous of media coverage and tabloids but one word of advice, ignore it. The people who write those articles don't know you personally, they don't know what you've been through or who you are as a person outside of racing."

"I didn't call you in here to punish you, I called you in to check you were okay. A few drivers had raised their concerns about your well-being and I just want you to know that everyone is here for you, we have great specialists who help a handful of other drivers too." Stefano finishes, looking at Chanel who simply smiles.

"Thank you, thank you so so much."

And with that, she was dismissed and she left the building with a bright smile on her face, immediately walking to Mick and wrapping her arms around his neck. Mick didn't need to ask how it went, he could tell with the smile on her face and the fact she wasn't afraid to be affectionate with him in public anymore.

"Move in with me."



My Girl➛Mick SchumacherWhere stories live. Discover now