"So, Bria, Harry, I'm sure everybody would love to know how you two got together! You come from opposite houses and different social circles, it sure was a surprise when you two had begun dating!"

Oh, how Harry wishes that he could just pull out his wand and curse the woman. Unfortunately, her question isn't even that invasive. Many people ask how couples first get together. It's not the strangest question to be asked, especially from Rita. But Harry and Bria don't have a story.

Harry isn't good with words already, how is he supposed to just come up with a fake story on a whim? And how is he supposed to make it believable? Surely if Harry were to open his mouth Rita would see that it was a load of bullocks.

"He had come to the bakery over the summer. Alone, of course. I don't think I would have been able to find the confidence to talk to him with Ron and Hermione there," Bria says, chuckling to herself.

What is she saying? Harry had never visited the bakery over the summer.

"He had ordered a slice of treacle tart, which seems to be a favorite of his," she continues, glancing a knowing look over at Harry. "Of course, I had a crush on him since I was five years old, before I even knew what a crush was. I figured that the absence of Ron and Hermione was a sign that this was my moment. So I spoke to him."

Bria Melbourne is a genius. And a bloody good liar.

Rita's eyes were sparkling, and she was leaning forward after every fake detail that Bria had told. Bria seems to have a way with words that captivate every person she could possibly speak to. Harry himself knew that he was not immune to her charisma and smooth-spoken words.

"And dear? What did you say?" Rita asked, her Quick-Notes-Quill sketching furiously.

Harry glanced over at Bria, who had a twinkle in her eye. It was as if Rita was her prey and she knew exactly how to strike for her kill.

"Well, I had asked him if he wanted anything else."

The Quick-Notes-Quill paused and Rita had titled her head in confusion before throwing her head back and cackling manically. "Oh, you silly girl! You sure have some humor on you, don't you?"

Harry didn't think what Bria said was particularly funny, but he did appreciate that Bria did not seem to over-romanticize the situation. At least what she said was a clever way to not entirely give Rita whatever she wants, whether it be fake information or not.

Bria just laughed heartily. "Yes, I have been told a few times by my mother that I have a wise-crack humor."

Rita just waves her hand dismissively. "So tell me more, girl to girl." She glances over at Harry before leaning in closer to Bria, faking privacy. "What did you really say to Harry that made him swoon over you?"

"A lady never reveals her secrets," Bria says, winking at the older woman.

Harry had to admit, she was good at thinking quickly on her feet. If Bria were not here, Harry would be stumbling over this conversation, and leaving Rita lots of room to alter the conversation to make it more entertaining in her eyes.

Of course, Bria had never said anything to Harry to make him fancy her, nor had he even visited her this summer. But Harry knows the moment that he had started paying attention to Bria Melbourne.

Everything always comes back to that damn day at the bakery.

Harry doesn't understand why he feels so indebted to Bria. Perhaps it's because she let herself get hurt because of him and he feels guilty. Or maybe because her kindness was unusual for him, as Harry was used to kids his age avoiding him.

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