"Yeah, I would love to!" I don't mind helping her out. She loving tinkring with the Potion set Solomon got her she always reminded sebastian that is was hers

With that, we headed to the Edge of the Forest, trying to find much stuff we could get.

"You think this is enough?" I asked sebastian while I lifted up my basket. He looked at it for a good second before deciding, "Let's head to the river, and then we could head back. Deal?" We both agreed

"Hey Y/N, look," he pointed over to see a hippogriff minding its business

I only looked at it for a few seconds, only to look over to sebastian .
He was more interesting than the hippogriff.

He had a curiosities sparkle I his eye how he watch its every move almost star struck. He moved his foot slightly, only to crack a branch underneath it. The hippogriff, now looking, are way flaped its wings and flew off

"That was amazing," he said, still in awe

"Yeah," I responded, still looking at him.

We finally made it to the river and got some slugs. After that, we headed back.  "Say Y/N have you ever done something that you couldn't explain," sebastian asked out of the blue

Thinking about his question, I was about to respond when we both heard Whistling and Explosions going off. The sounds were coming from the village. We both looked at each other with worry.

"Maybe it's just our imagination. It had to be, " I said, trying to find an explanation to it all

"Yeah, you are probably right."

We had gotten back to the village only to see some of the stalls where destroyed. Crops burned and rubble everywhere.

Solomon came running up to us, grabbing sebastian's arm, causing him to drop his basket. "Where have you two been?" He asked while tightening his grip on sebastian

Hissing in pain, Anna spoke for him. "I asked him to get me some supplies." He didn't say another word just letting him go

Sighing and pinching the bridge of his nose, trying to think of the next step when a villager came walking up

"Maybe if we do, has they say they won't come back."

"Now why would be do that! Huh!" Solomon snaped back

"What exactly do they want?" sebastian asked

"You don't need to know," Solomon said with a stern voice

"What if I could help?"

"Now, how could a boy help?" That's was the last thing he said before walking away

"Maybe he's right, sebastian. we should get ourselves involved." I agree with Solomon. We shouldn't get involved. We would only get in the way

"You should have never come here." the villager said with Disdain in his voice

Sebastian was ready to punch him in the face, but I grabbed his arm, giving him a smile, telling him it was. Okay. He sighed in response and put his hand in my letting me know it's okay to let go, which  I did

"Sir, what do you mean by that?" Anna tried to inquire

"She's the reason they were here. They won't leave us until they have her."

Completely surprised not knowing who they were nor what they wanted.

"We can't let them have her. No, we won't let it happen." sebastian said with a raised voice towards the villager, but he didn't respond, only walking away

"We won't let them get you, I promise." sebastian said, grabbing my hands and putting them together with his own, giving me a small smile.

Waking up to feel a cold breeze from the window. I got up to close it, so Anna and Y/N don't get sick only to see a note on the table it was stained with a drops of water looking at the first line I read. Dear sebastian.

Reading those lines made my heart drop, looking over not seeing Y/N anywhere in sight looking back at the note reading it

Dear Sebastian.
I'm sorry. I know you promised that everything was going to be okay, but seeing what happened to the village, I know I can't stay there. I only put you and Anna in danger.
I don't know what these men want, but I know they won't stop until they have it, so I'm leaving now because I know you won't let me go.
Tell Anna thank you for all the meals she made me. They were amazing and tell Solomon even though he angry all the time to try and smile once in a while, and sebastian, thank you for everything the time I spent with you made everything that happned a faded memory.

Goodbye, sebastian. Y/N

I let the tears fall, knowing that she was gone, and I might never see her again. I slammed my fist on the table, waking Anna

"What happened, sebastian?" But I didn't respond to her. She came up to me seeing the state I was in she guided me back to bed, where I cried myself to sleep.

Curious Snakes (Sebastian Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now