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the sound of a door opening got lilys eyes

"oh your back" she said 

"I have been flying around in space for 6 months" he said "why the hell didn't you come to get me" he finished, space was nice for a while but if you don't know there are black holes 

"calm yourself, now that we got rid of hatred we need to move to phase 2 now that your back Rogue" she said walking to a round table and sitting down 

"oh right I still haven't found the other emeralds" he thought out loud "I should get back to that hahahahah" with that he blasted out of the room a few seconds later an explosion was heard

"He is way too edgier when it comes to breaking the sound barrier" gigabyte said "also should we tell him where still within the confines of fiction" the gray glitchtrap clone says an unsure frown on his face

"Let goat monsters stay in his dream gigabyte" betty said

"Alright then" his smile came back "now let's begin-"

"This is MY plan so I will be doing the  ominous cliffhangers for the viewers" lily said glaring at gigabyte "now let's begin phase 2" she said a hologram showed the moon in shambles

undertale Awakening: Never Ending Hate Where stories live. Discover now