Chapter 3 | Helping out a Friend

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T.W Panic Attack mentioning

An alarm went off at around half six in the morning, growning in discomfort, the brunette rubbed her eyes and tried to stretch slightly but noticed that her waist had a weight ontop of it. 

She fully opened her eyes and realised that she wasn't in her room, her room she didn't enter last night. She never changed her clothes last night. She fell asleep. In Rachel's bed. The realisaiton of this stung and made the girl slightly panic, what made it worse was when she heard the blonde huff out slightly.

Rachel had moved her arms now and turned off the alarm by getting slightly up and using pressing the right buttons on her phone, once she did so she rubbed her eyes and looked over towards Max who was more awake then herself now.

"Sleep well?" she said and fell back into the comfort of her cushion, Max didn't reply. How could she? Being in someone elses area and just sleeping there without permission felt like breaking the law towards her.

The model noticed this and moved slightly away from Max, "Sorry. I didn't want to wake you up..."

"I-its fine... I- I should go." Max said and quickly moved off of the bed, "I'm sorry for staying here-"

"Max... It's okay, really. It wa snice that you styaed put" Rachel smiled softly and moved closer to Max who was edging closer to the door,

"..." Max looked into the hazel eyes belonging to the girl infront of her and she looked downwards onto the floor, "We should get ready for class."

Max walked out of the room leaving Rachel alone in her dorm room, afterwards, both girls felt weird. The photographer just wanted to forget how nice she felt being with Rachel- she had no idea about her sexuality and had no idea on how to talk to girls on a level like this. She knew that Rachel was being nice, she knew that was who Rachel was. But she didn't know about these new feelings she suddenly started getting towards the model. They were new and Max didn't really like them.

She felt safe last night, she wanted to stay with Rachel and didn't want to leave but she had too. Thoughts about the night prior made Max smile as she stumbled into her dorm, she looked through her mirror to see that her hair wasn't as much of a mess it generally is during mornings and felt less stress about how Rachel saw her earlier.

Rolling her eyes, she turned around and walked towards her wardrobe to choose her daily armour for the day. Max put on a white top with a doe printed ontop and placed on her infamous grey hoodie. Her jeans needed a wash so she put on a pair of black ones on replacing her usual blue, once finished, she found her hairbrush and brushed out various split ends and twists inside the brown mess. Once finished, she looked at her phone and noticed that there were a few text messeges which were unread.

Captain my Captain: 3 new messeges

(Unrecognized Number): 1 new messege

Mum<3: 1 new messege

"Oh wow... I was gone for a night and now I'm suddenly popular..?" MAx muttered to herself and checked the unknown number first,

Unrecognised Number


Hello, this is Kate Marsh from down the hall. I wanted to send you a quick messege now before I forgot to text you with this number. If you want, would you mind joining me for some tea some point in the near future? (Yesterday at 7:20pm)


Hi Kate! Yeah, I'd love to have some tea with you soon :) XOMAXOX (Today at 8:45am)

Model for You | AmberfieldOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora