Chapter 1 | Meeting You (And You Again)

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Today was a new day... Well...

Today was going to be a stressful day.

Max's parents and I are using a U-Haul to deliver various bits of furniture towards her childhood town Arcadia Bay. Right now, they were in Seattle and Arcadia is in Oregon... 5ish hours away from one another and by Dog Max had hoped they hadn't forgotten anything.

Hours had passed since teir last stop and now they had reached the small town. Small buisinesses were closed down, new ones had emerged, more capitalised shops were here and so on...

The family of three had heard many things about Blackwell an dhad hope that the photography course would be helpful towards Max's dream for becoming a photographer. A great photographer named Mark Jefferson was teaching the course and the girl needed to get into the academy more then ever.

Once arriving at the car park, multiple other families were helping their children with their luggage and so on as it went. Vanessa and Ryan Caulfield had got out of the van with Max trailng behind them, she was getting more nervous as she saw more people who seemed much more professional then her enter the dorm building.

Time went on and her parents had left Max after a teary goodbye. She was holding her last box of items after their goodbyes and they left her on her way.

The photographer entered the building once again and began walking towards her new dormroom, 219, and as she opened the door, a voice came out from behind her making her jump slightly.

"You seem like the artist type"

Blinking quickly, the brunette looked behind her to see a girl about the same height as her if not an inch or two taller. The girl was blonde and had hazel eyes, her hair was long as well and off to the side as her left ear had a magificent blue feather hooked into it. She was wearing a red fannel shirt, a white top with a design ontop, jeans similar to Max's own and red converse shoes on her feet.

A few moments had passed and Max realised that she was just staring at the girl, "Oh- Uh- I guess I'm artsy? More photography then drawing though"

"Ooo! Are you here for Mark Jefferson then?" The blonde smirked and tilted her head,

"Pretty much... Uh... I should put these down..." Max motioned towards the box in her arms and the girl smiled,

"Can I join you in your dorm then?"

"Huh? I mean- uh- S-sure?" This made Max panic internally, a completely new individual who looked incredibly amazing was talking to her. Her nerves were shocked and she had to play it cool, for as long as she could though.

Max opened her door and set her box on the sofa which was off to the left side of her room. Only large pieces of furnature were already built for her as her father and mother were helpful on those accounts... Otherwise, her dorm was cluttered with boxes and such.

"Very hipster rug" The girl said as she waltzed into the dorm and closed the door after her.

"Doesn't help that theres tons of them in Seattle" Max replied with sarcasically and looked back towards the strangr girl.

"You're from Seattle? What made you come to this drag of a town?" She said and sat on the unclean bed as if it were her own,

"I'm from here actually..." Max began and sat in her desk chair and swung herself round, "I came back as there was a good course-"

"Wait a sec- What's your name?" The girl raised an eyebrow, her face showed more then anything... She knew something that Max didn't and she wanted to know what was up.

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