Chapter 13

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I jumped down from my jeep and approached the commotion at the market fixating my eyes on one person. Veera's brother, Sekar.

"We came here first, Please you're interrupting our business," Sekar said in a calm tone.

"Ey! What are we here for then? Plucking flowers? We are here to do business too, this is our spot for the last four years--" The large man began shouting.

"Oi!" I pushed him aside and stood at the center of the commotion. Sekar's expression changed as soon as he saw me. He turned to the other side. Sekar's allies didn't look too happy seeing me too.

"What's the problem?" I asked.

"Who are you---" He started but one of his men whispered something in his ear. "Police ah?" He asked him and he nodded. The guy straightened his posture and smiled.

"Sir, I'm Mani, I have a shop in the town," He said. "Sir, this is my spot, I always set up my shop here during market days but this bastard--"

"Ey don't call me a bastard and all, I'm not the one barking in the middle of the street," Sekar interrupted. "Sir whoever comes here first takes the spot, I came here first,"

"Ey!" Mani came a step closer to hit Sekar but I pushed him back.

"I'm here you're trying to hit him ah?" I said. "Is this your father's land?" I asked. Mani looked embarrassed.

"Prabhu?" I called out. He popped up behind me. "Arrest these fellows and file them under public nuisance," I said. Prabhu nodded.

"Oi! Police! Do you know who my uncle is?" He started.

"MLA only no?" I said. He nodded. "How long would it take for me to put him behind bars for all the illegal activities he's doing? Do you think I do not know about the gold smuggling case?"

With that Mani zipped his mouth up. Prabhu called in some constables to arrest them.

"You don't know who you are messing with," Mani said as he was being handcuffed.

"I know exactly with whom I'm messing with," I said as he was being dragged away by the cops. The area cleared after a few seconds and the people returned to their spots.

"Thanks," Sekar said unwillingly.

"Just doing my duty," I said. He nodded and turned away. What should I tell him? I need him on my side. Think Ram, think...I need him to trap Veera.

"I'm sorry," I said hesitantly. He stopped midway and turned towards me.

"What we did was wrong too sir, y-you just did your job," He said. His voice filled with pain.

"I shouldn't have gone that far too..." I said faking my sadness.

He just nodded and stood there for a minute. His wife emerged from inside the shop in search of her husband.

"Sekar!" She called out. She had a cute baby girl in her hand.

"Haan," He turned back. "I'll be there one minute," He told his wife, and she went back in.

"Cute kid," I said. He smiled at my compliment. "Sekar...I want your..," I ran my hands through my beard and finally spat out the words. "I need your help,"

He looked fazed at my request. "What can I do for you, Sir?" He asked.

"Just...come to my office in the evening," I said. "We'll talk there," I said. He hesitated. I understand his hesitation. There is a lot of bad blood among us. "Don't worry, I'm a changed man, I promise," I emphasized the word promise.

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