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When the villain Mozun becomes a heartthrob [Quick time travel]
set up
turn off the lights

Chapter 51

    As soon as these words came out, the barrage in the live broadcast room stopped for a moment.

    During this period of time, eating sweets was so delicious that no one thought of the fact that Shu Jiuyuan had a genetic match.

    [I don't care, I don't care, it was General Lei who gave up Nuonuo first to pursue his love, and he never thought of doing this, how embarrassing Nuonuo would be if His Majesty didn't show up, it's impossible for such a scumbag Worthy of Nono. ]

    [I also stand for Your Majesty, the general is not worthy of Nuonuo. ]

    [I just like watching His Majesty and Nuonuo Tiantian, I hope you will get married tomorrow! ]

    [No, if Nuonuo became a queen, would it be possible for her to become a star and start a live broadcast? Wouldn't this prevent Nuo Nuo from being seen? ]

    [In any case, I hope that General Lei will be more sensible, and besides the automatic proposal of the program group to cancel the genetic pairing relationship, he will also be free! ]


    For a while, the barrage said everything, but most of them hoped that Shu Jiuyuan and Cang Mu could get married as soon as possible.

    "Host, 70% of the fans hope that you and the cook will get married as soon as possible, 30% hope that you can break up with the cook and be with me, and 100% hope that you can get rid of the relationship with the general as soon as possible." 001 reported the good statistics to Shu Jiuyuan.

    Shu Jiuyuan replied, "Understood."

    001: "?" So is this happy or unhappy?

    Looking at the fireworks rising in the sky in the distance, it is obvious that someone has already reached the finish line first. Hurrying, even Jiang Yu, who was on the road at night, was out of breath. He looked at the distant sky panting, and stomped his feet hard.

    Lei Ze naturally also saw the fireworks, but he didn't come to participate in the show for the sake of getting the first place. In fact, along the way, he often wondered why he thought Jiang Yu was special.

    After getting in touch, the advantages he thought before seemed to have been covered by the disadvantages. He used to think that Jiang Yu was independent, bold, valiant, unique, and had his own ideas. He was different from all the mermaids who only knew that their husbands and children depended on their husbands, but now he only felt that Jiang Yu was reckless and unreasonable, and he couldn't get along with them at all.

    I don't know why, during this period of time, Lei Ze often thinks of that young man who is as beautiful as a fairy but unexpectedly innocent.

    Glancing at Jiang Yu who was standing there wondering what he was thinking, Lei Ze said, "Let's go, His Majesty and the others should have arrived first."

    Jiang Yu nodded silently, and continued to walk forward.

    Although he was impulsive, Jiang Yu was not an idiot. After being taught a lesson, although he often argued with Lei Ze, he never really crossed his bottom line.

    Knowing that Lei Ze no longer has a good impression of him, this is exactly what he wants, and he did not deliberately please him in the following journey. After all, he didn't really want to fall in love with a man, but he was not convinced to be compared with the little fool who went to sea at the same time. That's all in the past, after all, as far as Jiang Yu is concerned, he is a time traveler, no matter what he has to be better than the natives.

When the villain Mozun becomes a heartthrob [Quick time travel]Where stories live. Discover now