Once the got out they saw the other three and guess what? The Pomeranian got a great idea to scare them. As the squad headed to the waiting point you could see Tsu and Uraraka enter through the door behind them. Of course the Bakusquad didn't see them but for now let's continue. So the Bakusquad walked to the waiting spot when surprise surprise bakugou leaped in front and gave the others a scare.

Mina's Pov
As we were walking to the waiting spot Bakugou suddenly leaped out from behind us. I got scared and swung the bags around just missing bakugou. The whole squad including me started laughing once we realised it was bakugou. Since the whole squad was here we decided to head back to the dorms.

Uraraka's pov
We got assigned to bring in Eri, Kota and the 2 mystery guests, Akiko and Taiyo. We knew who they were because Izu asked Aizawa sensei if we could bring them if we're allowed. We split up to make it faster, Iida and Izu went to get Kota, Shoto and Shinso went to get Eri leaving me and Tsu to get the two siblings. I think they chose us because we most likely have to buy them clothes.

First me and Tsu headed to the hospital to ask the doctors if we could take Taiyo and Akiko for one day to celebrate. The doctors agreed so we started walking to their room. Luckily they were awake when we came in because I don't want to be the one to wake them. We said our greetings before asking if they want to go hang out a bit with our class. Of course they said yes so we went out. First we had to go to the mall to get the siblings some clothes.

We saw the Bakusquad but I don't think they saw us. Me and Tsu headed for the nearest clothing store to buy something cheap for them. Me and Tsu decided take one of the siblings to buy clothes for them. I got Akiko while Tsu took Taiyo. I walked around with Akiko in hand when I found a cute dress. I showed it to Akiko to see if she liked it, which she did. I bought it for her before going to the changing room to help Akiko change. Once I was done I was fangirling because it was too cute. I went out to see Tsu already done with Taiyo. They both looked adorable. We started to head back to the dorms because Izu said that they'll catch up later.

Nobody's pov
Meanwhile with Midoriya and Iida.

Iida used his quirk and ran towards where them and Kota are supposed to meet. They made a plan where Mandalay would drive Kota to XXXXX street where he'll meet them at 9 and right now it's 8:56. Thanks to Iida's quirk they managed to reach XXXXX street with one minute to spare. Soon Kota arrived and they all stared heading back. Luckily Ua was close to where they are so they started heading back.

With Todoroki and Shinso.

Aizawa had already dropped Eri at the teachers lounge where she is playing with Present Mic. Todoroki and Shinso started heading to the school where present mic is going to be with Eri. As they reached the school gates Eri rushed out to meet them. She was excited for the Easter party so she wore her most Eastery clothes which was a pink, yellow and blue dress with flower patterns. They all started head back to the dorms for the party.

Momo's pov
Once the two squads left I could hear the class moaning because they were tired and didn't want to stand and walk. I started to make a list of everything and started to mark if we did it or not. As I walked around I realised that we still haven't made any food. I quickly told Sato in which he sprang into action, starting to make and bake lots of delicious food. Me and the rest of the class helped in making the food and just in time too. It was 9:38 when we finished cooking. As the class was resting I decided to make tea for everyone for their hard work.

I made extra tea for the two squads and then I just sat down on the beanbags before enjoying my tea and some biscuits. Minutes later I saw the two squads arrive one by one, the Bakusquad first before the Dekusquad arrived, first it was Shinso and Todoroki with Eri then Tsu and Uraraka with two kids I haven't seen before. Iida and Midoriya soon burst in with Kota just as the party was starting. Tsu and Uraraka quickly introduced the two guests who were called Akiko and Taiyo. Once the party started I was about to head to one of the activities when I see Midoriya handing out baskets to everyone.

Kirishima's pov
I see Midoriya handing out baskets to everyone including Aizawa sensei.

"What's this for?" asked Hagakure.

"You'll see" replied Midoriya.

I was about to ask the Dekusquad when Midoriya suddenly shouted

"Easter egg hunt! I've hidden over 400 Easter eggs over the whole dorm so it's your job to find them. Once all the eggs are found I'll make a mini announcement and everyone has to come back so we could count how much eggs everyone has. The person who wins gets a prize while they get to keep the eggs and everyone else just gets to keep the eggs. If you want to team do it now, you have 5 minutes"

man Midoriya is really manly for hiding over 400 eggs without us finding out and setting up this hunt. I could see Eri, Kota, Akiko and Taiyo team up while everyone else just stayed alone. Once the 5 minute timer went off Midoriya got ready to start.

"Okay everyone,

On your marks...

Get set...



Everyone went in different directions while peeking at every corner for eggs.

Timeskip to when all the eggs are found

"Everyone! All the eggs have been found! I repeat all the eggs have been found!" Announced Midoriya.

I started to head back while slowly counting how much eggs I have. By the time I made it I finished counting my eggs it was 16. I looked up and saw that everyone was already counting how much eggs they have. I quickly double checked I had 16 before I started to walk around waiting for everyone to finish.
This was the results
1st: team Eri, Kota, Akiko and Taiyo with 41 eggs
2nd: Aizawa and Tsu tied with 38 eggs
3rd: Shinso and Shoji tied - 37 eggs
4th:Bakugo - 34 eggs
5th: Jirou - 33 eggs

Eri's pov
I was surprised that we won! I was really happy and I know that my team is as well. We were all happy and excited for the prize. We celebrated for a bit when Mr Deku led us to a room and he opened it. Inside there was everyone in class 1a, the big three and Eraserhead merch. I was really happy because I was searching for Eraserhead merch for Dad the past week but nothing showed up.

Mr Deku then told us to take all we want then once we're done knock on the door so he can give us one more thing. I got a few Eraserhead hoodies and a Eraserhead, Lemillion and Deku plush. I could see my friends all get a deku plush but Akiko and Taiyo also got the rest of the Dekusquad as well as a few hoodies of their costumes. Once I was sure everyone was done I knocked on the door and Mr Deku opened it. I saw him holding 5 bags then he gave each of us one bag to put the merch in. Then Mr Deku got out some smaller bags and gave us one. In my bag a got 3 candy apples, a bracelet and some chocolate eggs.

We all showed our stuff, Kota got some candy, chocolate eggs and a bracelet, Akiko and Taiyo got the same thing, some comfy clothes, chocolate eggs, candy and a bracelet. I loved the prize and I'm sure my friends loved it too. We said thank you to Mr Deku before heading back to the rest of the class. We had fun for the rest of the day playing games and eating some candy (Dad won't let me eat a lot because it's night) soon it was late so we started to help clean up. Once we were done Kota's aunt came to pick Kota up and the Dekusquad had to bring Akiko and Taiyo back to the hospital while me and Dad then started to walk home.

A/n - 2238 words. Happy Easter everyone! I hope you all enjoyed this. With the part where the kids get a prize I had no idea what the prize could be so I just did hero merch and candy if you don't like it sorry but it is what it is. Also if you're wondering Eri and Shinso calls Aizawa Dad and Present mic Papa. Once again thank you all for 1k reads. I'm currently wondering if I should do a part two of this but with the Lov if you want to see this tell me.
Anyways see you later and have a egg-cellent day/night!
- Moon

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