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2k+ reads and 50+ votes?! Thank you all so much for reading this story! Now onto the chapter

Midoriya's pov
How could they accuse Denki who was with us for literally the entire day. I was about to rant with probably a lot of swears about how he couldn't be a traitor when I remembered that I was the innocent cinnamon roll of class 1a and the fact I wasn't too eager to expose myself yet so I instead asked

"Wait what do you mean? Do you have proof that Kaminari was the traitor?"

"Yes you can ask principal Nezu or you could go inside sensei's office to see files of our schedule and quirks missing" replied Mina immediately

Once Mina said that, me, the squad and kaminari walked to sensei's office while Aizawa sensei was on his phone asking principal Nezu if what they said was true or not. I was 100% sure Denki wasn't a traitor but I had to look and make sure my suspicions were true and that Toga framed Denki instead. It turns out that it was true someone had stolen the files or should I say toga had stolen the files? I walked out of the office to see sensei looking relieved at something. Then once the entire squad and Denki went out of the office sensei looked around before saying to the class

"Calm down everyone! This matter has been dealt with we have found proof that Kaminari is innocent and that the person you all saw steal files was in fact Toga Himiko"

I saw everyone relax before crowding around Denki apologising profusely. I could see Denki shrink slightly before I heard sensei shout

"Alright everyone don't overwhelm him now. You can apologise to him once everyone has calmed down from this matter"

Once everyone had backed away from Denki he breathed out a sight of relief. I'm glad this matter was solved quickly but I was still a bit annoyed at how easily they believed toga's lies. Everyone was feeling gloomy from the fact they accused Denki for being a traitor and that toga has stolen the files about our class. I was about to suggest that the class has a party or something to take our minds off today but Uraraka beat me to it.

"How about we have a party or something to take our minds off today?"

There were a few whispers of agreement so Uraraka just said

"Great! Let's get started"

First we were going to play some games like truth or dare, never have I ever or spin the bottle. The class split into groups because some people were getting food ready or they didn't want to play with specific people. The Dekusquad just went to the other side of the room to play by ourselves because our dares to each other would be really harsh for a group that's supposed to be full of innocent beans.

"Soo Toshi truth or dare?" Asked iida

"Hmmmm because I'm no chicken, dare" replied Toshi immediately.

"Well I dare you to....go to sensei and say that we murdered someone again" replied iida with a mischievous grin.

Toshi then stood up and began to walk to sensei's office. The squad moved so we all could get a good view at what would happen. Since we were sitting so close to sensei's office we could hear everything perfectly.

"Um dad? Uhh the squad murdered someone again" said Toshi once he reached the door.

"What did I say about murder?" Replied sensei immediately

"That we're not allowed to do so" answered Toshi back.

"Right now what did you do?"

"Murder someone"

"Right. Now you all are going to clean the classroom for a week as a punishment and your not allowed to murder for a month"

"Okay I'll tell the squad and I have one more thing to say.." replied Toshi grinning creepily like the Cheshire Cat.

"What?" Asked sensei curiously.

"That it was a dare and no one killed anybody" immediately after he said that Toshi ran out. I saw the entire squad trying not to laugh from sensei's reaction while holding in my laugh as well.

Mina's pov
As the class except the Dekusquad started playing Never Have I Ever I turned around to see what the Dekusquad was doing. I saw them having a conversation before Shinso stood up and went to sensei's office. Of course I was curious so I made an excuse and said I needed to get something before leaving to get close enough to hear what they were saying.

"Um dad? Uhh the squad murdered someone again" said Shinso once he reached the door.

"What did I say about murder?" Replied sensei immediately

"That we're not allowed to do so" answered Shinso back.

"Right now what did you do?"

"Murder someone"

"Right. Now you all are going to clean the classroom for a week as a punishment and your not allowed to murder for a month"

"Okay I'll tell the squad and I have one more thing to say.." replied Shinso grinning creepily like the Cheshire Cat.

"What?" Asked sensei curiously.

"That it was a dare and no one killed anybody" immediately after he said that Shinso ran out.

I was shocked what I heard definitely wasn't a joke right? I left before they realised I was there. I guess this is what I get for being nosy but still... I was thinking should I tell the class i mean this is their personal information but murder is something I need to tell ugh I can't think. I decided to wait a bit asking 'hypothetical' questions to the class to figure out if I need to tell. First I was going to go to the squad and ask them a 'hypothetical' question so I know I'm not being rude.

As I was walking to where the squad was sitting I was trying to think of a way I could ask without seeming nosy before I realised it I was in front of the squad.

"So uh hypothetical question but let's say if someone was a vigilante and you know it but someone else finds out. Do you think they should tell others or not?" I asked bluntly.

The squad flinched visibly but I ignored it waiting for their answer

"I guess they can tell others but I think they need to make sure the people their telling won't act differently to the vigilante after you tell them" answered back Midoriya.

His answer surprised me but I understood that he knew that I know about his squad's other side and that he wanted me to make sure the class wouldn't care if I told them the innocent squad was in fact not innocent as they thought, if they don't care then I'm free to tell them. I was going to keep the trust Midoriya had in me to keep this information secret until I'm sure the class is fine. After that conversation I decided to go back to the class to ask the 'hypothetical' question.

Iida's pov
After the interaction with Mina the entire squad including me, started asking a lot of questions at once.

"Izu what the hell?"

"Izu you sure that was a good decision kero?"

"I trust you but I'm still failing to understand why you did that"

"Are we missing something?


"Wouldn't Mina just expose us like right now?"

Everyone went quiet once Izu shouted


I saw Izu take a deep breath before saying

"So I told her that because I trust her that she will ask 'hypothetical' questions to our class and if they don't care then she will tell them otherwise she'll keep it a secret because I'm pretty sure she knows the consequence if she told them"

I could tell that did nothing to calm everyone's nerves but we all just nodded.

A/n - 1300 words. Once again thank you for 2k+ reads I really appreciate it. As you have read this is where Mina found out the truth. Usually from the other stories where Mina exposes the dekusquad Mina just exposes them without their allowance so I made sure she asked the squad first.
I hope your day/night is going great!

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