Hang outs (pt.1 ShinKami)

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Denki's pov
I woke up and saw that everyone was still asleep. I slowly got out of the pile of sleeping people and started to clean up a bit. When i got to the kitchen I saw a note. The note read

'The dekusquad and I are going to have a study session at my house and a sleepover as well. Do not worry and expect us to come back at around 9 or 10 in the morning.
- Deku'

I guess that explains why Iida isn't here to scold us for making a mess. I got cereal and sat on the couch eating. By the time I finished everyone was awake and eating toast or cereal. There was silence while everyone was eating until Momo asked

"Where's the Dekusquad? It's almost 9:30 and they are always the first one's up"

"Oh they had a study session and sleepover at Midoriya's place" I replied.

"Do you know when they're coming back?" Asked Jirou.

"I'm pretty sure they're coming back—"

The door opened and the Dekusquad walked in holding bags presumably their books and school clothes.


"Good morning everyone" said Midoriya cheerfully followed by Tsu saying

"Good morning kero"

"Good morning!"

"Good morning my fellow classmates"


Followed soon after Tsu finished was Uraraka, Iida and Shinso and Todoroki saying the same thing.
The whole class replied

"Good morning" back to the squad.

The squad nodded and when up to their dorms to put their stuff away. I was wondering why Iida still hasn't scolded us for the mess and I settled with the fact he hung out with his squad so he cooled down a bit. I was looking at some memes on my phone while waiting for Shinso to come down so I could ask him if we could hang out when the whole squad came down.

"Hey Shinso can we hang out please?!" I practically shouted across the room.

There was silence...

"Sure I guess" replied Shinso.


I quickly ran to my room to get ready and just chose something random to wear. Turns out it was a half black half yellow hoodie with black jeans. I came out to see Shinso dressed in a white t-shirt with red stripes, a purple jacket and jeans.

Iida's pov
We were all walking in dead silence until Izu said

"Do you think Mina has exposed us to the rest of the class yet?"

I had forgotten that Mina might have overheard mine and Todo's conversation and I'm pretty sure most of the squad forgot as well from their expressions.

"I don't think so since most of the class was dozing off when we left kero" replied Tsu answering Izu's question.

We continued walking until Tsu started a conversation about the past idiots we managed to put in jail. Once we reached the dorms we put on the acting, me being the annoying goody two shoe's, Todo and Toshi being the kinda emotionless dudes at the back of the class and Mido, Tsu and Ura back to the bright happy innocent beans. We walked in holding bags with our costumes and a few books to make it seem that we actually had a study session and sleepover.

"Good morning everyone" said Mido cheerfully followed by Tsu saying

"Good morning kero"

"Good morning!"

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