Chapter 13: Boom

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Me and Delilah sit in the bleachers watching the boys football game.

I watch as Joey is tackled to the ground. He lets out a yelp as he lays on the ground in pain.

I pick up Delilah and give her to Gina. I rush onto the feild by his side. I can hear his cries.

"Where's Sadie?" He sobs.
"I do-"
"Find my girlfriend. I need my girlfriend."

I get to his side. His head snaps to me.

"Sadie, baby." He cries.
I drop to my knees next to his head.
"Shh your okay." I wipe his hair off his forehead.

"I think he broke his leg call the ambulance." The coach says to a player.
His hand grabs mine and he instantly interlocks them together.

"Fuck this hurts." He groans.
"I know. Your so brave. The ambulance will be here soon."
"Where's Del?"
"Gina has her."
"Gina? She'll probably loose her and get stressed but she'll be in her arms the entire time."
"She'll be just fine." I giggle.

I hear the sirens near by as the ambulance starts driving onto the oval through the big gates of the building. It's crazy how an ambulance can fit inside the indoor football area.

"Get Delilah you both need to come with me."
"I don't know if Delilah should see you li-"
"Get her, please Sadie."
"Alright, okay." I wipe his tears.

I look around and spot Gina, Delilah and Amy.
I go to get up to go to them but Joey pulls me back down.

"Stay with me." He cries.
Should i just cut myself in half or?
I yell to Gina and finally they notice and come over. Delilah's tear stained cheeks come into view.

The ambulance worker comes over giving Joey the green whistle which is a heavy medication to releive the pain.

They get him into the back of their van, allowing me and Delilah in. I sit on the chair, Delilah on my lap. Joey grips my hand tightly.

I message his parents on the way. By the time we get to the hospital Joey is really high on the meds they give him.

He goes into the back room and i fill out his paperwork with Delilah in the waiting room as they do x-rays on him. His parents greet me before going back with him.

As me and Delilah are walking back i hear Joey talking with his parents.

"Don't touch me thanks. I have a girlfriend." He says in a rude tone to the nurse giving him jelly.
"I wasn't going to touch you anyway." She smiles softly at him.
"Her names Sadie."
The nurse just nods going along with it.

"She's soo nice and very beautiful. If i was a girl i would want to be her. Do you feel that way about mummy?" He says now looking at his dad.

"Sure does." Phil replies.
"I want to keep Sadie forever."
"You keep her son." He chuckles.
I smile as i walk towards them. Joey looks at me.

"Hi Sadie baby." He says loudly.
"Shh calm down." I giggle sitting on a chair near him. Delilah going over to her parents.

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