Chapter 18: Cookie

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"Sadie get dressed we're going to Marry's for dinner." My mum calls from downstairs.

"Alright." I shout back. I didn't even know they had plans for tonight. Joey didn't even say anything either.

I go to my wardrobe chucking on a warm long sleeve shirt and my favourite hoodie and jacket with jeans and ugg boots.

I hop in the car where my mum is waiting for me as we drive over to their place. My mum knocks on the door and Delilah opens it. She smiles at my mum before running up to me. I pick her up and rest her on my hip as we walk inside.

She starts telling me about all the gossip at daycare. Something about how this girl tried to steal her toy or something. Joey comes downstairs and over to us. He kisses my cheek before greeting my mum. He loves talking to my mum.

We gather around the table as we eat the soup Marry cooked for us.
"This is so good." I say eating it. I love Marry's cooking.

"So kids we have exciting news." Phil says. I wiggle in my seat excitedly.
"We're going away to a cabin for christmas!" Marry says.

"Oh my god." Delilah squeals.
"Oh my ears." Joey says placing his hand to them making us all laugh.
"But that sounds so fun." I say excitedly.

"We leave the afternoon you finish school on friday so make sure you are packed and your bags are ready by then."
"Got it."

We finish up dinner and me and my mum leave. Joey and Delilah both whining like children that we have to leave.


After 3 hours we finally pull up to the huge winter cabin.

"Holy shit." I say to myself.
"What the fu-" Joey starts but i hit his shoulder so he doesn't swear.
"But you just sweared and i can't?"
"Bitch." I hit the back of his head lightly. I love our banter.

"Joey and Sadie are sharing a room, Delilah gets her own room, i get my own, Marry and Phil you share." My mum says. We all nod and start getting our luggage out the car to take to our rooms.

We walk inside and it's huge. Massive kitchen, big stairs, gorgeous view of the mountains and forrest, a big christmas tree, 3 bathrooms, and beautiful bedrooms.

Me and Joey find ours upstairs at the end of the hallway. We walk in and it's got a big king sized bed, a large window overlooking the snow covered mountains and a walk in wardrobe.

"This is so cool." I say putting my handbag on the bed while Joey places our luggage in the cupboard, he insisted on carrying it all for me.

I watch as all the people are Skiing on a mountain. All of them look the size of ants. They look so happy.

"What are you looking at my love?" Joey comes up behind me kissing my neck wrapping his arms around me.
"The people. They look so.. happy."
"Are you happy?"
I turn around to face him wrapping my arms around his neck.
"I'm so happy. So, so happy."
A smile breaks out on his face.
"I'm so happy too." He places a soft kiss to my lips.

I smile digging my head into his neck enjoying his warmth and company. He makes my heart do backflips, my knees go weak and my stomach fills with butterflies. I didn't know a person could make you feel that way.

"Let's go skiing." Delilah comes running into our room.
"Del the sun is setting it's getting late. How about tomorrow?" Joey says as we pull away from the hug turning to her.
"Fine." She huffs.

We go downstairs together and put on a christmas movie the three of us cuddling under a blanket.

"Kids dinner!" His mum calls. We all gather around the table once again. We listen to christmas music as we all talk and laugh with one another.

"What did you ask Santa for christmas Del?" I look at her.
"Barbies, lego, teddy, boyfriend, chocolate, ipad."
"Another boyfriend?"
"Always good to have multiple."
All of us cough on our food.
"Joey i'll leave this with you." I pat his back. He glared at me before everyone breaks out in laughter.


Everyone is upstairs asleep while Joey and I are baking cookies.
"You know if you were a food you would be a cookie." I say. He looks at me.
"Oh yeah?"
I nod.
"Why's that?"
"Your hard on the outside, soft on the inside and your full of sweetness." I explain. A smile spreads across his face as he walks towards me.
"That's the nicest thing you've ever said to me." He says placing his hands on my waist.
"That's not true i'm always nice to you."
"Hm i remember."
I giggle giving him a kiss.

We pull the cookies out the oven and taste them.
"These are so good." I say.
"We're literally chefs."
"We should have our own tv show."
"Agreed." He nods.
"I love you, Cookie." I say giving him another kiss.
"Are you talking to me or the cookie?"
"You, you idiot."
He just smirks at me giving me another kiss.

We go upstairs getting into bed cuddling one another watching the snow fall.


We all get up early the next morning, thanks to Delilah. She is really excited about skiing.

We all are now on a giant mountain.

"Holy shit this is terrifying." I look down at the steep hill as everyone goes down.
"It looks fun!" Delilah giggles.
"She's got no fear apparently." Phil chuckles.

We all ski down the hill at a slow pace. I laugh as i watch Joey totally stack it.

I watch as a girl comes over to him helping him up. Joey looks at me and nods meaning to go to him.

I slowly go down the mountain till i get to him. He's still chatting with this girl.

Joey slings his arm around my shoulder.
"Is that your sister?" The girl asks. Joey let's out a cough.
"Ohhhhh." She looks me up and down. This is weird.

"Bye." Joey says before turning around and we go down the rest of the hill.

"Who's that?" I ask as we sit on the chair lift bringing us back.
"I have no idea. She just came up to me."
I nod.
"Jelous?" He smirks down at me.
"No. You can have friends." I shrug.
"Your a lot better person than me." He mumbles making me giggle.

We all spend the rest of the trip skiing, eating lots of food, playing board games, Joey and Delilah fighting over who gets to hang out with me, our parents obsessing over me and Joey together. Overall it was a great trip.

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