Manhunt? I Don't Think That's What He Meant

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With Lincoln off at some meeting with execs with his father, Monae was insistent on starting our search. She and Link had sat down before he'd left and he'd agreed with the suggestion; the sooner we found the father, the quicker we'd know if he was going to be a roadblock or problem in this giant mess. Only, I had no desire to attend a Frat party twenty-two weeks pregnant and exhausted from a long week at work. Unfortunately, my best friend didn't take no for an answer lightly, and before I knew what was going on, I was standing inside a Frat house in one of the few sweatshirts I'd found in Link's closet and a pair of stretch pants while my best friend rocked a sexy short black dress, heels, and her untamed head of curls.

Though she usually walked off to seek out Deandre for the night, she remained at my side and offered me a bottle of water while she nursed a cup of beer, eyes scanning the room as if she'd miraculously be able to spot the baby's father in a house of hundreds of people.

"My head hurts." I grumbled miserably. Not to mention that the bass from the music blasting was making baby girl kick and the more she grew, the more her kicks hurt. "Can we hurry this up?"

"Miles!" Monae cupped her hands around her mouth and shouted, waving frantically when he looked in our direction. I grew tense when I saw the look enter his eyes when they fell on me. It was quick, just a flash of uncertainty, and it was gone. He strode over with his usual arrogance and smirk. I looked to my best friend, hoping she'd seen his eyes, but if she had she wasn't letting on because she hugged him, kissing both cheeks before she turned her attention to me, her arm still draped flirtatiously over his left shoulder.

As I took in all six-four of him, I tried to recall anything from that night. Had those hazel eyes been burning into my own as he positioned himself on top of me? Were my hands buried in the tousled mess of blonde that was currently gelled back to keep out of his eyes? Had I wiped that smug smirk from his face and managed to get him in bed with me?

"Miles, you remember my best friend Arielle?" Monae introduced, making a gesture toward me. I lifted my hand in a half wave, but he only shrugged a shoulder.

"I guess. Though the last time I saw you, you were in a sexy red dress that was holding on for dear life." he said without meeting my eyes. "Take it you're not looking for a fun night this time?"

I opened my mouth, but Monae interrupted before I could answer myself. "No sir. We're actually here because Little Miss Arielle slept with someone the night of my birthday and we're trying to find him."

Something in my gut told me we already had.

"Shit, you girls were with a ton of guys that night." Miles lied, keeping his eyes on Monae. "I wouldn't even know where to start looking. Maybe ask Dre?"

My best friend didn't look too thrilled to have to go find her friend with benefits. I'd have to ask her later tonight what had happened between them.

She sent me a pointed look. "Behave yourself. I'll be back in like ten minutes."

"Touché." I muttered as she stalked away.

Tearing my eyes of her sexy exit, I looked back to Miles to find his eyes were already on me.

"So," I rocked back and forth on my feet. "do you want to keep lying? Or do you want to be a big boy and tell me what happened?"

"I don't know what you're talking about." his answer was quiet, and almost as if he knew exactly why we were here, his eyes flickered to my stomach, though my bump wasn't visible through the oversized hoodie. "Why are you looking for him anyway?"

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