You cut him off. "I'm going to assume that your... need to mate is based on the fact that we are almost in mating season at the moment, and nothing else." You said flatly. He frowned as you continued. "I suggest you find a way to take care of it on your own like I have to, your highness."

He went to say something back, probably something snarky, when he instead smirked and his onyx eyes gleamed. "Like you have to?"

You felt your tail bush up as you were suddenly incredibly flustered. "I- you know what I mean!"

"I don't think I do," He grinned evilly. "Please, give me some examples of how I can take care of my problem on my own like you have had to."

You felt a smirk tug at your lips but pushed it aside. You were totally going to ruin whatever little fantasy he had going on in his mind. "Easy. Find someone willing to take care of your needs for you."

His face immediately fell as he stopped walking for a moment, staring at you in disbelief before running up beside you once more. His voice fell to a whisper, but you could see the fury in his eyes. "Have you slept with someone before?"

"Maybe. I don't see why you're that concerned, Vegeta. Are you telling me you haven't?"

He clenched his fists at his sides. "That's not relevant to this discussion! How many men?"

You loved messing with him like this. He shouldn't hold the power over you all the time. "Could be 1, could be 20. Maybe even with Goku," you shrugged as you saw the veins on his head twitch and gave a smirk. "Your guess is as good as mine really."

His tail flicked behind him in annoyance; he was clearly riled. He took a deep breath and relaxed. "You've never been with anyone, have you? Least of all Kakarot. He's not your type."

"Oh yeah? Then what's my type then?" You rolled your eyes.

He smirked. "Me of course."

You felt your face flush and chuckled. "Interesting answer. Maybe my type is Raditz." You both laughed at that, and you froze when you bumped into someone as you rounded the corner to the prince's room.

"Watch where you're going," a woman's voice spat. You realized quickly that it was the woman that refused to dance at the ball last night. Vegeta stayed on the other side of the corner, crossing his arms and leaning against the wall out of view, annoyed that your conversation had been cut short.

You immediately bowed your head and put your hands at your sides. "My apologies, miss. I wasn't paying attention." You stood back up straight and looked away.

"No shit," she growled. Gods you hated high society. A bunch of self entitled snobs. "Hey, you're that low-class trash that danced with the prince last night, aren't you?" She chuckled, giving your chest a rough shove. However, you didn't budge and that seemed to annoy her even more. "What a joke. You do realize you're not part of the selection, correct? You're just a play thing for him."

You felt your tail krink up in annoyance as Vegeta chuckled darkly around the corner. "If that's the case that doesn't bode well for you, does it?"

Her eyes widened and she immediately fell to her knees. "Apologies for not acknowledging you sooner, my prince. I didn't realize you were there."

"So it seems." He slowly walked towards her as she began to stand back up. "Did I tell you to rise?" He spat, placing a hand on her shoulder and shoving her back down. It was funny seeing the fear in her eyes as he did so.

"My royal guards are an extension of myself. By messing with them, you mess with me. Do I make myself clear?" He was squatting down to say this directly in her ear as she kneeled, frozen; his voice was barely a whisper, but the threat was clear.

DBZ: The Princess Saga (Vegeta x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now