Ch. 6: A Small Surprise

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    You heard the sound of muffled footsteps as you opened an eye inside the healing tank. Bubbles bounced off your skin and you took a deep breath in from the breathing mask, the air filling your lungs and you smiled as you realized the pain in your back and neck was gone. You saw the blurry form of Vegeta pressing buttons outside the chamber as the refreshing liquid began to drain around you. When the door slid open with a hiss, you stood up and stretched, removing the stickers and breathing mask from your skin.

"How do you feel?" The prince grunted, crossing his arm as he leaned against the door frame.

"Better." You smiled, stretching out your arms and bending down to touch your toes. Your tail flicked around behind you as it dried the liquid from itself.

"Here," the prince said, tossing you a towel. "Get ready, we're five minutes from landing." You could hear his boots click down the hall as he went to the main part of the ship where the others probably were. You dried your hair to the best of your ability before moving on to getting redressed. You slid on your armor and headed out to where you were met with three smiling faces and the prince's typical scowl.

Goku scooped you up in his arms and spun you around as you laughed, your tail flicking behind you happily.

"There's our Frieza defeater!" Raditz grinned, placing a hand on your shoulder as Goku set you back down.

"You shouldn't be spinning her like that, Kakarot," The prince grunted. "She may not be fully healed and you could throw out her back again."

"Hey, throwing out her back sounds pretty fun to me," Raditz winked, earning a loud SMACK as the prince slapped the back of his head. "Hey, it was a joke!"

"She deserves to be treated with respect!" The prince growled. "She did what none of us have had the balls to do in years." Hearing him speak of you with such pride in his voice made your face flush.

"Besides, like she'd ever want to mate with you of all people Raditz," Nappa laughed heartily, his voice echoing around the control room nicely. It warmed your heart and you laughed along with him as Raditz's face turned a shade of pink in embarrassment.

"Nappa probably has a better shot than you do Raditz! And he's as old as Planet Vegeta!" Goku grinned, causing you to erupt into another fit of giggles.

"Would you three quit with the jokes? We're here." The prince said, pressing buttons on the ship's controls as you all landed. "We'll be in and out quickly-"

"Does she like it like that though? OW!" Raditz yelled; this time you were the one to smack the back of his head as Vegeta gave a smirk.

"-so let's get this over with. Don't shoot the trees or burn the crops, just take out the villages and we'll be done with it."

The door to the ship opened and you were met with red laser dots being pointed all over your bodies. "FREEZE! DON'T MOVE!" Someone shouted from between the houses. You saw the form of an orange man with blonde hair and purple eyes step towards you. The species otherwise looked similar to yours, dressed in some sort of strange, cloak-like armor, with humanistic facial features minus the odd color. Their silver and purple guns were cocked towards you.

"Humble people of planet 03-61," The prince began, holding his arms out wide to the natives below. "You should feel honored knowing your demise will be handed to you by the prince of all saiyans," Vegeta grinned, his tail whipping around him excitedly as he took a step forward.

"I SAID FREEZE DAMN IT!" The laser moved from you to the prince's forehead.

"What silly weaponry," Vegeta chuckled. "It gives away right where you hope to shoot me." You heard the sound of a weapon fire, and Vegeta swatted the laser away into the bushes, his eyes darkening as his pupils dilated slightly. It had been awhile since you had seen Vegeta ready to hunt, and you were bothered that you found it slightly attractive. "Let me show you a real weapon," he grinned, using his index fingers to point at two of the huts in the distance. He mimicked the sound of a gun cocking, pointing his thumbs up towards the sky. Suddenly, a red ki beam shot out of both fingers, exploding the huts as the prince watched the flames lick at the air and spread to the next home.

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