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I got off the fire dragon then stared at the fire pillar that was in the center of the glass circle.

"How strong is the glass?!" Hoseok asked, but Jungkook shook his head.

"I don't-"

"Where's Yunho?!" I asked and looked at Jungkook.

"He said he was going to try and get to Wooyoung-"

"Seonghwa." I turned and felt my eyes widen as I saw a spirit there. He looked... familiar.

"Jong-Hyun?!" Jungkook cried then the spirit grinned.

"Hello, dragonling." He said then I licked my lips.

"How do you know my name? Why do you look familiar?" I asked and he looked at me.

"Do you not clearly remember your visions?" He asked and I frowned, finally remembering him from the many visions I've had since we arrived at the Dragon Temple.

"How are you here?" I asked and he sighed.

"Wooyoung's magic is strong, strong enough for me to appear. As I told Yunho, Wooyoung has the magic of the First Dragon-"

"What?!" Hongjoong asked, but I stepped closer.

"Where is Yunho?!" I asked and he looked over his shoulder, then back at me.

"He is in the fire now."

"That will kill him!" Jungkook growled, but Jong-Hyun wasn't looking away from me.

"There is something you know, Seonghwa, that you share with Wooyoung and your captain. Knowledge only the three of you, and Yunho, know. That is the knowledge that will keep Yunho alive, and will stop the disease of his magic-"

"Yunho is dying?!" Yeosang yelled, but I put my hand out and everyone shut the hell up.

"What's going on inside that fire?!" I asked and Jong-Hyun sighed.

"Yunho is attempting to quell the magic of Wooyoung, the magic that has festered like a wound for twenty two years. With a build up to this degree, it'll take time for it to fully release. The faery prince is on his way here with an army, Seonghwa. He does not intend to leave his son alive, but he will take you to the faery capital. My guess is he will force all of you and the two dragons to join him. Be warned, Seonghwa, as this prince is not afraid to play dirty. He will use any trick he can to kill all of you." He said and I nodded, stepping closer.

"There is one thing you have to your advantage." He said and I frowned.

"He never expected you to free Wooyoung's magic, or to find the device you now posses. He was under the impression-"

"We find Wooyoung, take him straight to the prince, get paid and be on our way." I whispered and the spirit nodded.

"Do me a grand favor, Seonghwa." He said and I nodded.

"Piss off Wooyoung when you get to the capital." He said and I frowned.


"If you do, that device will have no issues when wiping out the faeries." He said and turned his head some.

"Yunho is coming." He said then I went to call the spirit, but he was gone.

"Damn spirit!" I breathed and looked at the fire, my eyes widening as I saw Yunho walking out of the fire, Wooyoung's limp body in his arms. As Yunho walked closer, the fire pillar began to shrink until it was gone.

"Yunho, Wooyoung!" I breathed and ran towards the duo, the glass beneath my feet holding.

"Is he-"

"Unconscious." Yunho said as I got to them then I saw the necklace chain wrapped around Wooyoung's hand, the ruby faintly glowing.

"We need to get him back to the temple-"

"There's no time. The prince is here." Yunho said and I frowned, looking up at him.

"How do you-" I stopped as I saw something come over the sand dune then swallowed hard as I saw an army of faeries.

"Bring him to the others! Now!" I whispered and Yunho walked back towards the others with me.

"That's the prince?!" RM hissed, but I grabbed Jungkook's arm.

"Unless he recognizes you as a dragon, don't change and don't expose yourself!" I warned and he nodded.

"Got it!" He breathed then I turned and glared as a faery in black armor atop a white stallion came over, glaring at us with two faeries on either side of him.

"You were ordered to bring him straight to us-"

"We had a small issue. Had to keep him alive." Hongjoong said and the prince sneered at the captain.

"You are Captain Hongjoong? The Shadow Captain of the Destiny?" He asked and Hongjoong hummed.

"In the flesh. Wooyoung's magic was killing him, we had to break the spell on it to keep your son alive." Hongjoong said and the prince growled, but eyed us.

"Bring them, and the two dragons." He said and I watched as horses surrounded us.

"We don't have a choice then?" RM asked and the prince looked at him.

"You dirty pirates never have a choice!" He said and we were corralled to follow him, though Wooyoung was still unconscious.

"How is he?" I asked after walking with the prince for two hours, Yunho's magic working to keep us cool.

"He's not burning up." Yunho said and I sighed, reaching out and touching Wooyoung's forehead.

"He's warm still. Do you think your magic is keeping him cool?" I asked and he nodded.

"I know it is. Most of it is surrounding him." He said then I looked at the prince.

"He's going to kill Wooyoung." I breathed and Yunho hummed.


"We left the device in the temple, Yunho." I softly spoke and he sighed.

"We did. I have a feeling Wooyoung won't need it though." He breathed and I glanced at him, curious about how he knew, but I decided not to question it as I instead kept silent and walked with the dragons and pirates.

The Black PiratesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora