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I lifted the bread then paid the stall woman and set the bread in my basket, sighing as I continued shopping. After buying a new pair of trousers and a few apples, I returned to the tavern and saw the bar maid running around. She was new, some girl the old man brought in off the street, but there was something about her. I didn't like her.

"Welcome back, Wooyoung!" She grinned and I forced a smile, going to my room above the tavern and sighing as I laid on my bed. I set the basket down then reached to my small table, grabbing the photograph of my mother and I as a baby.

"Why did you abandon me?" I breathed and thumbed her picture, her long dark hair falling over her shoulders as she held me in her arms, my baby hands reaching for her face as my face was split in a wide smile.

"Wooyoung!" I heard and sat up, pocketing the photo and going back downstairs. Then I saw the Black Pirates and frowned. I got their drinks then went to their table, setting them down.

"You aren't here more than a day or two. It's been a week, yet you're still here?" I questioned them and the Captain smirked.

"We're searching for something here-"

"Captain!" I looked at the youngest, who was staring with wide eyes, then the Captain slowly looked at me.

"Who are your parents, Wooyoung?" He asked as I stood straight and I frowned.

"My mother abandoned me here with the old man, I never knew my father or anything of him. I barely remember my mother." I said and shrugged.

"The old man might know more, if you're so suddenly invested in me-"

"It's not sudden." Sir Seonghwa said and grabbed his drink, exposing his rich birth a little as he winced at the taste of the piss poor ale here.


"Wooyoung, can I get your help?!" I turned and sighed as I saw the bar maid by the door to the back, smiling at me.

"Be right there!" I called and looked at the Pirates.

"Anything else I can help you with?" I asked, but they shook their heads and I went to the back.

"What do you need?" I asked and she sighed.

"I can't get this box down, it's too high up!" She said and I huffed, going over to the shelf. I reached up to grab the box, my fingers skimming the edge, then I screamed as I felt something stab my side.

"Faery garbage!" She growled, digging her knife in deeper, then I dropped to my knees as I clutched my side, glaring at her.

"You-you whore!" I growled, my vision getting blurry.

Jongho's POV
"Anything else I can help you with?" He asked, but we didn't need him so he went to the girl.

"He's the heir?!" Mingi breathed and I nodded, watching Wooyoung as the girl shut the door to the back.

"Your magic connected-" Seonghwa was cut off as a scream ripped through the air then I felt my magic burning under my skin.

"Wooyoung!" I shot up and ran to the back, sailors yelling in protest, but the door was locked and I couldn't get through.

"Move back!" I yelled and the others moved back then I punched the door and it splintered as it flew open. I went in then saw the girl on top of Wooyoung, blood pooling at his side.

"HEY!" I ran over and grabbed her hair, throwing her off of him as San ran over and grabbed the younger's shoulders.

"I- My magic isn't working on him!" San cried and I looked over then saw Wooyoung getting deathly pale as he bled.

"The blade was coated!" Seonghwa concluded and I grabbed the knife, lighting my match from my hip and holding it beneath the blade. As green smoke rose off the metal, I looked at San.

"Ironwood poison-"

"Faery poison?!" Hongjoong growled, but San's eyes widened.

"Jongho, take my hand! Your magic connected to him, you can save him!" I took San's hand then he grabbed Wooyoung's arm and I watched as a faint blue glow began to show around Wooyoung's side. It was finally working, we were healing the faery heir.


"SIT BACK DOWN!" Hongjoong growled at the assassin then I looked over and saw the mark of a pitchfork on her chest, just under her dress.

"A Strickland assassin, huh?!" I growled and she glared.

"The king has ordered all faeries dead! Him especially-"

"How did the king find out about him?!" Seonghwa asked as I kneeled and looked at Wooyoung, who was still super pale.

"I won't tell you-"

"Mingi, bring her with us." Captain ordered and Mingi knocked the bar maid out then threw her over his shoulder.

"There." San finally said and I looked at him.

"I've done all I can." He said and I sighed, scooping Wooyoung up into my arms.

"We need to get to The Destiny now! Guards will be on the way!" Hongjoong ordered and we left the tavern, where we could see guards already making their way here.

"Shit, go!" Seonghwa cursed and we ran for our ship.

"Yeosang, now would be a good time for a disaster!" San yelled as we got onto the Destiny then Yeosang stood at the railing, his eyes flashing lightening blue and storm clouds forming above the docks.

"Everyone, hang on! It's going to be a quick exit!" Hongjoong called to the ship as I took Wooyoung below deck, laying him in the infirmary. Right as San came in, The Destiny lurched and I knew we were moving.

"Gods, Yeosang, gentle!" I growled, but San took over Wooyoung as I went above deck, in case I was needed.

"JONGHO, DESTROY THEIR SHIPS!" I figured as much. I went to the back of the ship then saw the kingdom ships preparing to start a chase, so I grabbed the cannons and fired at the ships. Instantly, the fleet was sinking and I smirked as I heard the screams of the panicked guards as we made our escape.

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