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I eyed the large room closely as Yunho lit torches around the room, lightening it. When he was done, he came to me and took the faery device from me.

"Come to the center." He said and I went to the center then he set the device on the ground beside Hongjoong.

"So... how painful can this get?" I asked and Yunho sighed.

"It could kill you." He said then changed to a dragon and I frowned as I watched blue magic begin to fill the room. When I heard another roar, I turned and saw RM and his pirates, Jungkook in dragon form standing behind me and red magic linking with the blue. Two dragons?!

"Don't fight it, Wooyoung!" Taehyung yelled and I looked at Yunho, but his icy blue eyes were locked on Jungkook's red eyes above my head. Then I felt like the air was punched out of me and gripped my stomach, falling to my knees as I tried to regain my breathing.

"Don't fight it, Wooyoung!" I heard my mother's voice repeat then felt her fingers on my cheeks and lifted my head some, looking up through my lashes to see her spirit kneeling in front of me, her hair falling over one shoulder and a smile on her face.

"Do not fight the magic, my sweet little Wooyoung! If you fight it, it will kill you!" She warned and brushed her fingers over my cheeks.

"Trust in your dragons!" She whispered and I closed my eyes, bracing myself as I took deep breaths. That was easier said than done, not fighting the magic.

"Trust in your soulmate!" Her voice whispered and I lifted my head to look at her again, but she was fading and I grit my teeth, feeling like there was fire burning me from the inside out. I slammed my other hand to the ground then dry heaved as the pain got nearly too much.


"DON'T, SAN!" I heard as I heaved, but I wasn't actually throwing up surprisingly. Don't fight the magic, let it break the chains! I took deep breaths then clenched my fists, crying out as the pain got worse and I fell onto my side. I wanted to just pull my skin off, make the pain go away, I didn't want to feel anymore.

"Wooyoung!" I heard and felt someone grab my arm, but I shoved them away.

"I CAN DO THIS!" I growled and San whined, but backed up and let me be. I slowly pushed myself up then clenched my jaw, glaring at the ground.

"Do it, Yunho!" I growled and heard him snarl, but I shook my head.

"DO IT!" I screamed then the magic in the room rose and I felt like my body was melting as the magic filled me.

Yunho's POV
Some part of me was physically ill at the sight of Wooyoung on his hands and knees, in pain and nearly throwing up from the pain. As I watched the fire and the ice swirl around him, I knew the ritual was working even if it was fighting against him. Whatever spell was on his magic, it was strong. Stronger than even dragon magic, if we still had yet to break the spell.

"HOW MUCH LONGER?!" I looked at Seonghwa as he shifted his weight worriedly, watching Wooyoung as I pushed more magic into the ritual, hoping this at least cleansed the faery blood from Wooyoung's body. When the magic went away, I watched Wooyoung fall to the ground then quickly shifted, running to him as the other Destiny pirates came over.

"Wooyoung?!" I grabbed him then pushed his sweaty hair back, Jungkook kneeling beside Wooyoung's other side and feeling his cheek.

"His magic is still locked away-"

"So this failed?!" Hongjoong growled, but I shook my head and looked at the shorter man.

"He's no longer half-faery. The ritual cleansed his blood, the device won't kill him-"

"It doesn't matter if he doesn't have his magic!" Hongjoong growled, but I snarled and laid Wooyoung down, standing and glaring at the short man.

"Wooyoung nearly died just now because he was half-faery! We will figure out how to break the spell on his magic, but you yelling will not help!" I growled and he snarled, but I turned and went to Wooyoung.

"Bring him to the rooms, Yunho. He can rest there." Jungkook said and I nodded, lifting Wooyoung into my arms. As I held him, I stood and went to the back room for the dragons to sleep in, gently laying Wooyoung down into the bed of one such room.

"We'll free your magic, Wooyoung." I whispered and pushed his hair back, sitting beside him and petting his hair. As I sat there, I felt the younger dragon approaching and growled softly at him, looking over as he entered the room, Wooyoung's room.

"I think I know why the ritual didn't work." He said and I sighed, leaving the room with him and going back to the main room.

"Look." Jungkook said and pulled some vines aside, showing a Grand Dragon performing the ritual.

"Wonderful!" I whispered and sighed.

"Are there even any left alive?" Jungkook asked, but I shook my head.

"No, the last time I checked there weren't." I said and reached out, touching the stone carving of the Grand Dragon.

"What is that?" Seonghwa asked as he came over and I huffed.

"A Grand Dragon, which we need to unlock Wooyoung's magic. They've gone extinct, unfortunately." I said and he pouted.

"So Wooyoung's magic-"

"All spells have a way to break them." Jungkook said and I looked at him.

"Even dragon spells, we just need to figure out what the key to Wooyoung's spell is." He said and I frowned.

"I'm afraid only the one who cast it would know that." I said and Jungkook nodded.

"Then we need to figure out who cast the spell on him." He said, but I sighed and looked at the wall, frowning as I saw the next mural. I grabbed the vines in Jungkook's hand then yanked, pulling them off the wall and causing dirt, dust, and plant life to fall on us. When the dust cleared, the pirates came over and I stared at the mural. Carved into the stone was a visage of Wooyoung, stone fire around him as he stood before dragons with one behind him, hundreds of them bowing at his feet.

"What the hell?!" San breathed as we stared at it, but I slowly went over and frowned as I saw, behind him, a mountain of dead faeries.

"A vision?!" Jungkook breathed, but I shook my head.

"Seers haven't existed for thousands of years, Jungkook! There's no way-"

"This temple has been empty for centuries! It's possible, isn't it?!" Jungkook asked and I bared my teeth at the younger dragon, making him back off.

"I know more about this than you, do not challenge me!" I snarled and he pouted, but looked at the mural again.

"Look, these are the facts. That's Wooyoung with fire around him, that's dead faeries behind him, and those are bowing dragons at his feet!" Seonghwa said and I looked at him.

"Whether this was made by a Seer or what, hundreds of years ago or thousands of years ago, those are the facts! We need to figure out what this means, and fast!" He said and everyone nodded, but I looked back at the mural and frowned. That's my dragon behind him, guarding him. What does that mean?

The Black PiratesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon