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I walked above deck then groaned, hiding my face with my hand as I adjusted to the sunlight. When I could see, I saw eight new guys on the deck of The Destiny with another ship beside us. Somehow, this ship was bigger than the one we were currently on.

"Is that him?" The one with blue hair asked and I frowned as I slowly went over.

"He's built well enough to pass." The redhead said and eyed me.

"Eyes off, Hyunjin!" Hongjoong growled, but I slowly stopped beside Jongho and he stepped subtly closer to me.

"Hyunjin?" I questioned, but Captain Hongjoong sighed.

"We're in their territory now, Wooyoung, and-"

"If you want to live, we escort you to where you're going." The blue haired one smirked, but I frowned.

"Why should I care? Shoot the ship, drown us all. If I'm really the heir, water like this won't kill me-"

"Want to test that theory?!"

"Back off, Lino!" Blue Hair snarled, but I frowned as I heard a female whisper to me. I turned my head as the pirates bickered, but I didn't see a single female anywhere on this boat.

"Come to me, Wooyoung!" I heard and turned, going to the railing.

"Wooyoung?" I heard someone call me as I grabbed the railing, looking out at the ocean.

"Find your father, Wooyoung! Come West, see your father, find your destiny!" I heard the voice whisper and I closed my eyes, letting the wind blow past my face. Then I felt ghost fingers on my cheek and frowned.

"Return to me at night, my little jewel!" That's what my mother called me, My Little Jewel, it's on the back of the photo she left me. I opened my eyes then took a deep breath, staring at the ocean.

"Wooyoung, are you okay?" I looked at Jongho then nodded.

"We need to stay here." I whispered and he frowned.

"Until nightfall, please trust me. I-I just feel like we need to stay here until nightfall, right here-"

"Why?" He asked and I looked at the ocean.

"I can't explain it, I just know we have to stay here." I said and he sighed.

"Then I'll tell the captains." He said and went back to the pirates, but I took another deep breath and searched the ocean. We're staying, mother.


I looked at the door to my cabin as it opened then Mingi lifted his chin some.

"It's nightfall." I nodded and stood, pulling my shirt on as I left the cabin with him. When we got above deck, I saw the thirteen pirates, the moon high in the sky, and the stars shining down on us.

"Alright, Wooyoung, what now?" Hongjoong asked as I returned to the railing, holding it and staring out at the ocean again.

"My Little Jewel." I heard and frowned, eyes flitting around the ocean.

"Come down to me, My Little Jewel." I heard and looked down, seeing my mother in the water reaching for me.

"Are there sirens here?" I asked and turned to the pirates.

"Sirens? No, not this far out-"

"Mermaids?" San asked, but Chan shook his head. He was the captain of Oddinary, the largest and deadliest pirate ship in the ocean. Like The Black Pirates, they too had magic somehow.

"No, there are only southern mermaids now. Too many ships patrol these waters, pushed them all south." He said and eyed me.

"Why?" He asked, but I looked at the water and saw my mother still reaching for me.

"Trust me, My Little Jewel." She softly sang in my ears and I frowned. Not a siren, not a mermaid.

"Anything to distrust?" I asked and heard a snort.

"Except us? No, these waters are free of monsters-"

"WOOYOUNG!" I jumped into the water, holding my breath as I sunk beneath the waves, then I saw my mother clear as day.

"Hello, My Little Jewel. We do not have long before your friends pull you up. Do not trust the Faery Prince. He is deceitful, a liar, and will harm any to have his wish! He wishes to kill you, as you are a mistake of his past! The story of our love is false, Wooyoung! I was not in love with the prince, and he hated that I was the only human who hated him! He forced himself on me, My Little Jewel, and you were-" She was cut off as hands grabbed me, but I shoved them away as I was pulled up.

"Let go!" I growled and Jongho frowned.

"Please!" I pleaded and he glared as he treaded water, gripping a rope tightly.

"I will give you two minutes, Wooyoung!" He said and I nodded, taking a deep breath and going back under. When I looked around, my eyes burning from the salt water, I saw my mother again.

"Trust no faeries, Wooyoung! Trust your pirates, and warn them! They are walking into a trap! You must go to the icy caves to the north, home to the Ice Dragon. Once you find the Ice Dragon, take his greatest treasure and find the faery capital. You can kill all faeries with the treasure, Wooyoung! You must destroy the faeries, before they destroy humanity!" She said then I was pulled up again and I coughed, taking deep breaths as Jongho held me.

"Are you alright?!" He asked and I nodded, gripping his shirt tightly.

"Back up!" I ordered and he held me with one arm as the others pulled us up. When we were on the deck, I panted as Jongho held me, but I looked at Hongjoong.

"I know where we need to go!" I panted and he frowned.

"And that required you going over because..."

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you!" I said and slowly pushed myself up, groaning as I felt my side aching again. I lifted my shirt then pulled the bandages down, my eyes widening as I saw my side completely healed.

"What the hell?!" San asked as he lightly touched my side, but I frowned and looked over my shoulder. Thanks, mom.

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