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I eyed Yunho as he spoke to Jungkook, Hongjoong, and RM on a sand dune far away then Seonghwa sighed as he came over.

"We've never raided Strickland, neither has Chan-"

"I know." I whispered and crossed my arms over my chest tighter.

"I-I don't know how, but I knew when I saw you guys the first time." I whispered and frowned as Yunho looked at me then started towards me.

"I'll give you a minute." Seonghwa whispered and left as Yunho stopped in front of me.

"I'll be a week." He said and I nodded, licking my lips.

"I know." I smiled and he sighed.

"Try to see what you can find out, okay? For me?" He asked and I nodded.

"Fine." I whispered then he reached out, his hand hovering by my face before he grabbed my shoulder.

"Seven days, okay?" I nodded then he leaned in and softly pressed his lips to my forehead in a strangely intimate move. Then I realized he was whispering, spelling me as magic fell over me like snow.

"What was that?" I asked as he stepped back.

"A protection spell. In case something happens, I've cast it on everyone." He kissed everyone's foreheads?

"You'll be back, right?" I asked and he smiled softly.

"You know it, Wooyoung." He said and stepped back, the snow storm beginning to form around him to change his form. Once the white dragon was kneeling in front of me, I reached out and set my hand on an icy scale.

"Seven days, Yunho, then you come back!" I whispered and he softly huffed then spread his wings, flying into the air. As he flew back East, I watched him closely and felt tears fill my eyes. For some reason, I felt like this was the last time I'd see him.


I huffed as I flipped the page then I groaned.

"There's nothing here on a massacre in Strickland twenty-two years ago!" I yelled into the room and RM sighed.

"Keep looking, please! If we can figure out what your magic did, we can figure out why and how it was locked away!" He said and I groaned, slamming the book shut.

"I'm tired of reading!"

"Wooyoung!" Suga warned as I stood, but I waved him off and went further into the temple. Jungkook had said we had free reign of the place, seeing as we'd been invited by Jong-Hyun then Jungkook and brought in by Yunho, but it still felt weird to just walk around here.

"My Little Jewel!" I heard and turned, eyes flicking around to find my mother's spirit.

"Mom?!" I called and followed her voice, getting to a large room with a glowing pool of water. In the water, I saw my mother's spirit standing on the reflection of the outcropping of rocks here. I went to the end and stared down at her, my own reflection not appearing.

"How can I still see you? I'm not a faery anymore-"

"You seeing me has nothing to do with your faery blood, Wooyoung." Mom said and smiled at me.

"Why'd you lock my magic away?" I asked and she sighed.

"I had no choice. Your magic was dangerous-"

"What did I do then? I can't find anything on Strickland to give a reason!" I growled and heard footsteps, but ignored them as mom smiled sadly.

"Have you heard tales of the Great Strickland Fire?" She asked and I frowned.

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