10-lap dance

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Ionie POV:

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Ionie POV:

It's now winter break and I'm no sitting in the car with Zeke,Anna and Caleb heading to a cabin we and a few other friends rented for christmas break.

When I first told my mom about it she said yes which one shocked me because she doesn't really let me out of her sight but happy that I'm finally free.

*Third Person*

You are probably wondering why the big time gap well let me fill you in.

Ionie and Caleb became somewhat friends which sent the school into a weird state because they were just rivals.

Soon their were rumors that they hooked up which got shut down before it started to spread like wildfire.

But even though they say they are friends the tension between them is still high mainly because after the kiss they started acting like a couple like holding hands,showing affection and even kissing each other on the cheek occasionally even though their not together.

Maya and Anna one day pitched the idea of the cabin which everyone agreed so here we are.

*Ionie POV*

We made it to the cabin where everyone started to unload the car with their luggage's before entering the house.

We all had sleeping arrangements Zeke and Anna in the first room then Maya,Solonge and I and lastly Caleb, Kenji and Amir

After settling into our room we drive to the grocery store and pick up things that we can make.

"I go get the cookies."I say to everyone making my way to the dessert section of the store.

Finding what i'm looking for I see it but it's all the way up of the shelf and with my being tall I found it very insulating that I couldn't reach it.

"Let me help you"Caleb says as he reaches and grabs the cookies dough for me

"Thanks."I say as we both walked back to our friends.

After finishing our shopping we head back to the cabin and start to put away the groceries

*Close to midnight*

It is now close to midnight and we are playing truth or dare drunk edition.

When Anna pulls out a bottle of pink whitney, a bottle of svedka,a bottle of ciroc,patron and casamigos I know everyone is about to get plastered.

And that's exactly what happened.With everyone having at least three or four drinks in our system we start playing truth or dare.

Maya starts it off  "Truth or dare, Anna?"

I turn my mouth thinking, "Let's start easy. The Truth."

"Have you ever had a sex dream"

I laugh"Yeah, I have"

Maya gasped "Do tell missy"

"Nope nextttt."I say

Turning to Caleb I am about to ask him but he already answers

"TRUE"He says smugly as ever

Damn, are we all doing the truth tonight?

"Why did you stop sleeping around?"I ask weirdly hoping he says it's cause of me.

"Because I found a special girl that I'm very interested in."He says downing the rest of the casamigos that was left in his cup

I feel myself staring and blushing a little from him calling me special.

Coming back from my daze he asked Zeke a truth question

"Where's the weirdest place you've ever had sex?" Zeke smiles at a Anna who is hiding from embarrassment knowing what he's going to say

"How much time do you have?"He says as Anna hits him in the chest and the group breaks into laughter.

"Ionie darling ," Maya says with a British accent, "You have to dare. You have no choice in the matter."

I respond "Fine only because you asked so nicely."

"I dare you, he looks around the room thinking before looking at the man next to me. She gasps with excitement and taps her fingers like a villain from the movie, "To give Caleb a lap dance."

In any normal party setting, I would have walked away, but right now, I'm surrounded by people I feel comfortable around. People I have no problem seeing me act like a fool. Also, I'm drunk. And it could be a nice payback for all the teasing.

I stand up and stand right in front of Caleb, whose eyes are wide and I can tell he's as sober as ever. I didn't even realize you traded your beer for water a couple of shifts ago. "Ready for the best show your ever had?" I ask.

"Ionie you don't have to..." He begins, looking at me warily.

"Shut up and enjoy the show, boo." I laugh I tell Maya to play something.

She quickly slides her thumbs across her phone screen before Wicked Games by The Weeknd begins playing on speakerphone.

"Fair warning to Zeke and Sologne ," I announce to the room, "you better close your girls' eyes because they call me Ms. Steal-Your-Girl on the weekends."

Standing directly in front of Caleb now, I watch as he widens the space between his legs and relaxes a bit before settling down.
The bulge between his legs looked at me first, I swear.

His eyes stay on me as I sway my hips and move closer to him. Without thinking twice, I put my legs on either side of him and climbed down onto his lap.

I can hear Maya drunk cheering behind me and see her camera flash come on. My face is an inch from his and My lips brush against his. It was a touch like a feather, but it was enough to leave me wanting more.

His eyes don't leave mine as he bites his lower lip. My hips grind against his, a surge of euphoria flowing through me at the sensation of him rubbing against my pussy which was covered by my shorts

His hands slowly move towards my waist.Since I'm feeling risky I bring his hands to my ass.

When he squeezes it on his own, I can't help the loud gasp that escapes me. With kisses beginning on his cheek, my lips trail down his face until I'm on his neck. I keep the palm of his hand around his throat and tilt his head back so that he is bare to me. With a temporary surge of confidence in my bones, I press an open-mouthed kiss into his skin.

I feel his chest rise and fall exponentially and hear a shaky breath followed by a "fuck"escape his mouth.

Anna scream "Damn bitch".

It's what snaps me out of my trance. I stop and sobriety slaps me across the face. What the hell am I doing? At this point, I'm doing worse for myself than for him. I swear my kitty jerked. In fact, she is hitting. I lean back, watching Caleb carefully as his eyes are closed and he licks his lips. As the song ends and I climb down to return to my seat, I can't help the proud smile that grows on my face.

Word Count:1155

That's you guys for enjoying the show hope you like it till the next chapter love you all💕💕💕💕

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