09-dance with me

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Ionie POV:

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Ionie POV:

*At the restaurant and seated*

We are now at the restaurant where we already order and just waiting for our food.Anna and Zeke are sitting on the opposite side of Me and Caleb with Maya and Jacob a boy who is also on the basketball team who are sitting at the head of the table.

When the food comes out everyone starts to eat peacefully.While I'm eating I feel a hand on my thigh and knowing who it is I push it off but the slimy hand puts it back but not higher to where my entrance is.

Trying to hold myself together I can't help but flood the memories of me pleasuring myself and wishing it was Caleb's fingers instead of mine.

Ionie you're at a dinner have some decorum.I remind myself.

Finally calm and finished with my food as well as everyone else,music starts to play and it seems to possess every couple in the room because everyone is getting up to dance.

"Wanna dance"Caleb says in a whisper only I can hear

"No I'm good I need to digest this."I say patting my stomach

"Alright I'll wait because this was your prize for beating me."He says

"A dance"I said laughing like the was telling the funniest joke ever

"No,Actually the prize was me."He says cocky as fucking ever

"Cocky much"I say rolling my eyes

"More like confident but anyways I guess I'm ask someone else since you're too boring."He says

And with that I get up and grab his hand before we both walk to the dance floor

The music changes to Ariana Grandes POV song as soon as we step on the dance floor

{Play the music}

He puts one hand now at my waist and I put one hand on his shoulder.

Our other hands intertwined as we swayed to the music .As we are dancing I couldn't help that my breath hitched.We are close to where our lips would have touched.

Your eyes drifted to his lips.And right then and there I was ready to through out stupid rivalry away for him.

It feels like the world only has two people in it.Me and him

We stare at each other before he dips me and when he brings me back up he plants a kiss on my lips but not a soft one a hungry

"Fuck you have me fighting demons right now."He says with desperation when we pull back from the kiss.

"Glad you're not the only one fighting demons."I say

"How about we go somewhere else maybe ice cream."He says,his eyes showing hopefulness.

"Sure"I says pulling out of his embrace as he takes my hand and leads us back to our table

"We are going to head out so you don't have to wait for us."Caleb says to Zeke and Anna

"Wasn't going to" Zeke says while eyeing his girlfriend like he was ready to pounce on her

"Have fun you two."Anna says winking at me causing me to roll my eyes at her.

And with that we notify our teachers we were leaving and walk out the restaurant.

As the cool breeze started to blow,Caleb takes out his jacket and puts it on his shoulder.

"Thanks."I say trying not to blush at the sweet gesture while he nods

We walk to a ice parlor which is 2. blocks away from the restaurant

*At the ice cream shop*

We finally made it to the ice cream shop where it's empty

"Hey welcome Cold Stone what can I get you two today."says the worker who looks tired but is trying to be professional

"Hi can i get a birthday cake remix"I say turning to Caleb to ask him what he wants

"I take a cookies and cream and can you make them both large."He says

The lady takes the orders and when it's time to pay Caleb is already swiping his card.

"I pay you back"I said which makes him roll his eyes at me

"Keep your money it's my treat."He says and then him and i wait for our orders before taking a seat near a booth

While we are eating he starts asking me questions

"So when's your birthday."He asked

"July 31 how about you"I say

"April 27"He says

"Any hobbies you have."I asked

"Mainly Basketball.But i'm into fashion and trying to start my business how about you."He says

"I'm into volleyball,dance,shopping and binge watching tv shows."I say

And from there we talked about everything from our future goals to what we want to be.We even talked about our personal lives.

I realized we had a lot in common and it made me realize that it was kinda weird how we were rivals but loved the same things.

And as time passed we realized that the store was closing.

We grab our stuff and head out the store thanking the cashier once again.Caleb orders an uber for both of us to first drop me home then him.

Finally seeing my house the car stops meaning we're here.

"Thanks for tonight I had fun."I say kissing his cheek.

"No problem,you sleep well tonight sweetheart."He says before giving me a kiss on my cheek and from there I exited out of the car while saying you too and walked to my door step.

After saying hi to my mom I go upstairs and change out of my clothes into some sweatpants and a oversized sweatshirt.After I removed my makeup and put on my bonnet.

I scroll through instagram for a while before deciding to go to sleep knowing I had school tomorrow.

But before I go to bed I do my skincare routine makeup removal edition because makeup breaks my face badly.

After doing my routine I brush my teeth then put my phone on the charger then drifted off to sleep.

Word Count:1,006

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter because I did ahhh we are making progress

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