Chapter 2: The Man in the Pillar, Straizo's Ambition

Start from the beginning

Speedwagon nodded before asking "That's right. But why bring that up now?" My Master's response caused fear to envelop my mind, I barely had time to leap out of range when he spoke those words.

"I just killed these men..."

In an instant, the other two Monks along with Speedwagon's workers all collapsed in a pool of blood! Had I not quickly reacted, I'd have met the same fate. I was struggling to understand what was happening. I stuttered "M-master, what have you done?!"

Speedwagon exclaimed "What the devil?!" Master Straizo looked between the two of us, finishing his declaration. "...And when you die. Jonathan's grandson will feel grief and anger. He will grow to hate me." Speedwagon barely had time to cry out "STRAIZO-!" Before my master's leg swung around and collided with his head!

Blood gushed from his head as he collapsed to the ground! Now it was just me and my clearly-insane master who stared down at Speedwagon's body for a moment before turning and walking towards the pillar slowly.

It seems, Speedwagon wasn't dead yet as he was able to sit up, asking "S-Straizo. Are you MAD?!" My master came to a stop before answering "Quite the opposite. I'm thinking very clear. I chose the path of Hamon in order to forge my body. But as I trained, the aging of my body became painfully clear to me. Hamon gives only the slightest edge over ordinary people. Its practice cannot prevent the aging process."

He brought up a hand to his cheek and pointed at a scar, I'd always seen it but never asked about its origin. As my Master's eyes shot to me he asked. "Gyalzen, do you see this scar? It was gifted to me many moons ago by a Vampire named Damian Brando. When I fought Damian, it was apparent I could not beat him, if Jonathan Joestar hadn't intervened I'd have certainly died. The important thing that stuck with me was what Damian told me that day." He paused for a moment, before grinning and repeating a sentence as if it was a fond memory.

"Your Hamon will only get you so far. The power of a Vampire knows no bounds."

I was frozen where I stood in fear as my Master's grin remained "I memorised that exact quote for fifty years. Every time I looked in a mirror and saw my aging face as well as this scar he gave me, I would remember that defeat. The power, the youth. I realized he was right, Hamon could only get me so far."

Turning back to address both of us. He folded his arms and looked up. "In the battle all those years ago, I secretly admired Dio and especially Damian. They were powerful, beautiful and IMMORTAL! I coveted the power of the mask. I didn't care who got in the way!"

Approaching the pillar he reached out and took one of the masks from the wall. Speedwagon gasped out "Y-you've become twisted, Straizo." As Master Straizo turned to us, I saw him place the mask to his face as he said "Your blood will now grant me immortality. With you two gone, only Erina and Joseph Joestar will know of the mask. Once I am rid of them, I will take my time and learn more of the mask than Dio and Damian did!"

Speedwagon tried one last warning "Y-you mustn't. T-there are still terrible things we don't yet know!" I called out "Master DON'T!" However it was too late. My master, or OLD master, wiped the blood of Speedwagon and the others onto the mask.

Within an instant, spikes shot out, stabbing into his head. A bright light shone out that forced me to cover my eyes. Even through the light I could hear Straizo's roars, and it was as the light dimmed I noticed something strange.

My old master's body began to change, his grey hair became a dark black, his wrinkles disappeared and his voice began to morph to that of a younger person. My fear only went up as the light disappeared completely.

For a moment there was silence, before an eerie laugh filled the chamber. I realized instantly, it was coming from Straizo. He reached up and took the mask from his face before dropping it to the floor. It was now I got my first good look as he turned to face me.

The Red Stone's Gleam (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Battle Tendency x Male O/C)Where stories live. Discover now