Part 18

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In the morning everyone except Akshay were sitting on the table and having breakfast when the door bell rang.
Pragya : I'll go and open the door.
Pragya went and opened the door and was shocked to see police along with Maya.
The police barged in and all the family members came to the hall.
Police : Ranbir Kohli you are under arrest.
The constable came to Ranbir to take him when Prachi jumped in between.
Prachi : sir you did not even hear Ranbir's side of the story how can you arrest him
Police : Maya told us that he tried to molest her and cannot leave a molester.
Prachi : what proof does she have that he molested her?!
Police : she showed us the marks.
Prachi : just by some marks you cannot make someone a criminal, what solid proof u have Ranbir tried to molest her. Okay if we take it Ranbir tried to molest her why did she not run or call someone for help. Ranbir is saying that he felt dizzy and fainted he gained conscious only after a while and when we checked the glass it was spiked I have reports of it also.
She takes the reports out and shows to police and the police leaves from there along with Maya.
Pallavi : Prachi beta how did you do that.

Flashback -
Prachi : Aryan Ranbir was telling that he felt dizzy and unconscious after having the drink, so we can get the drink which he had tested.
Aryan : I'll do that first thing in the morning, but the reports will only come by night.
Prachi : don't worry my friend works in the report department I'll speak with her and she will give you instant reports.
Aryan : yes

Flashback over

Vikram : wah Prachi beta you proved Ranbir innocent.
Prachi : Maya will surely come back we need to get Ranbir tested before the drug is out of his system.
Siddharth: Haan we will go now itself.
Abhi : we all have an important meeting let Aryan, Prachi, Shahana and Rhea take Ranbir.
Prachi : yes we will leave now.

In the car Aryan was driving, Shahana sat next to him and in the behind seat Prachi sat in between Rhea and Ranbir.
Ranbir kept looking at Prachi and was not replying to Aryan so Aryan and Shahana were giving Prachi and Ranbir a teasing look and smile.
Rhea : I feel like I am missing something tell me!
Prachi : nothing Rhea you are not missing anything.
Shahana looked at Prachi with a very teasing look.
Rhea : no you guys are surely hiding something which I am not able to understand properly Ranbir you tell me.
Ranbir and Prachi had a little blush on their face while looking at each other.
Aryan : Rhea they are not going to tell you I'll tell you but u can't tell anyone I mean anyone.
Rhea : yeah now tell me fast fast I can't wait.
Aryan : Ranbir and Prachi love each other and they confessed it to each other.
Rhea : oh finally I thought they will not realise it only.
Shahana : that's what I told when Prachi told me.
Aryan : same
Ranbir : was it so visible?!
Aryan : from your side yeah but than even from her side it started becoming a little visible.
All five of them chuckled and continued talking.
Soon the reached the hospital.
Ranbir to Prachi but all of them could hear : the test will be through injection?
Prachi : yeah
Ranbir : I don't think I should take the test
Aryan Shahana and Rhea we're laughing but Prachi was confused.
Prachi : why what happened
Aryan said while laughing : Prachi Ranbir is very very scared of injections
Prachi : it's okay it will be fine it will not hurt and the injection will not hurt at all.
The nurse came and Prachi's friend Tina who was working in the lab also came.
Tina : hi Prachi
Prachi : hi thank you so much for all the help.
Tina : come on for you anything
Shahana : hi tina how is aunty now ?
Tina : Shahana hi mom is fine how is Pragya aunty ?
Shahana : she is also fine
Tina : come will do the test but for who
Prachi : the test is for Ranbir
Ranbir : me the test is for me.
Tina : okay sit here I'll get the injection.
Hearing the word injection he turned towards Prachi. While she was laughing but gave him a reassuring smile which he saw and got a little relaxed
Tina : Ranbir give me your hand please, you look like you are scared of injections, if you feel scared or it hurts just hold my left hand it will help.
Prachi was feeling a little jealous when Tina told Ranbir to hold her hand.
When Tina was about inject him, he held Prachi's hand to which Prachi smiled and held his hand in a reassuring way.
Soon the test was over and after an hour they were given the reports which showed that Ranbir was drugged. They left from the hospital and soon reached home.

To be continued
Thank you for reading hope you liked it if any changes or suggestions please let me know will update soon ❤️

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