CHAPTER 7: Little woman

Start from the beginning

"Why does he have to leave that way!!!.. She'll be so sad now!!.. haa!!.. the world is not Fair!!... Ha" she sniffed.

"This is so embarrassing" he muttered biting his lips.


Scott got home but couldn't find both Dracula and Diana. He frowned and started to get worried. He left for an audition. Though he asked Diana to follow him but she said no.

He was about to leave when a phone rang in the house. That was Diana's ringing tone.

"She is so good at forgetting things" he muttered picking the phone. Seeing the ID caller was her mom, he picked.

"Evening mom" he said.

"Scott?.. where's Diana?" She asked. Her seemed weak.

"She went out, is everything alright? You don't sound good" he said.

"Granny Racheal slipped and fell in her house and she is currently in hospital"


"Yes, tell Diana to come over now"

"Yeah on it" He said then cut the phone call before leaving the house.


Dracula stared at the weird annoying girl in front of him. She was putting on a red lipstick and powder to cover the dried tears.

"Why did you have to buy a ticket for that kind of movie when you can't hold yourself. Do you know how embarrassed I was? You were just crying like a baby... My fucking ear was about to bleed!" he snapped.

She stopped what she was doing and faced him. Without a word she started walking away.

He sighed then follow her.

"So cruel not to buy me another ice cream" he pouted.

"That's because you were busy ordering and not asking" she said. The new side of Draco made her smile inwardly. She can't believe he now loves ice cream.

"A king never asks.. they order.."

She scoffed and shook her head. "No ice cream then" she started to walk away.

"She's so rude" he sighed.

She took him to a restaurant. It's getting dark already and he had visited four interesting places.

Draco stared at the food in front of him with his hand fold.

"What's wrong?" Diana who was sitting across him asked.

"I don't like seafoods, they make me sick" he replied.

"Hey! You should have told me before I ordered them.. do you know how much I spent on this meal. Gosh!" She pouted.

Without any reply Draco pushed his own food to her. "I'm not hungry anyway" he said.

"You really should have.."

"Shut up and eat" He said coldly and She bit her lips.

'Why is he cold all of a sudden?' she said inwardly while he stared at her blankly.

"Fine" She shrugged and started eating in front of him.

He stared at her with no emotion. He remembered the chilling aura he felt when they were with the ice cream guy. The strange man on suit he saw across the street looked a bit familiar.

He needs to find him.

After eating half of her food, she suddenly stop. "Should I get you a beer? Or you don't drink too?"

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