Ch 4: Convoy Part 1

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Shino: Lieutenant, Captain, would you like us to do sirs?

Itami:*serious tone* Sgt. Kuribayashi do you think you can hold my hand for me.*scared tone* Your second-in-commanding officer is getting kinda scared over here.

Me: Do you wanna do USMC PT in a EOD suit, Lt?

Itami:*scared tone* No sir.

Shino: Bite me.

Lucas roars catching our attention. Katsumoto aims the .50 cal at it, Hill in the LAV-25 points the autocannon at it and Sanchez points her M60 at it.

Me: Hold your fire! Don't piss that thing off unless you want to serve it American with a side of Japanese bbq! And I ain't planning on being part of that menu!

Lucas flies away.

Gacia: Seems Lucas is bugging out.

Furuta: Anyone know why Lucas was burning the forest?

My eyes widen at the what the answer to that question.

Nishina: Maybe another dragon?

Me: Or maybe it's like they said back in Coda Village MSgt., there's a settlement in there.

Everyone now has concern looks on their faces.

Me: SgtMaj., we gonna have to put a wait to set up camp.

Kuwabara: Yes, sir.

Itami: Everyone else, back in our vics! We're oscar mike!


At the now destroyed Koan Forest Settlement

The rain last night put out fire so we moved in to investigate and look for survivors.

Or at the very least someone or something that lived.

Houses have been reduced to their foundations and charred bodies are all over the place as we look through the rubble for any sign of life. Itami, Kurata, Thomas, Brown and myself are patrolling through when Kurata and Thomas sees a charred corpse.

Thomas: Oh....dayum....

Kurata: Uh.....sirs?

Me: We know. We know. Just keep searching for anything.

Brown: What's the matter you two, ain't seen a burned dead body before? Even after all the guys we killed so far.

Me: Lock it up, you three.

Kurata and Thomas quickens their pace.

Itami and I found a well and sat on the edge of it. Itami starts drinking from his canteen and I drink from my Camelbak. Shino and Backer reports their findings to us both.

Shino: Lieutenant, Cap, at first glance here we see about thirty-two foundations throughout the settlement. The majority of which appear to be roughly the size of family dwellings sirs.

Backer: And we only found twenty seven bodies. The rubble and wreckage could be hiding the rest.

Itami: Assuming that each foundation had a family of three or four inside.

Me: Then that adds up to either 96 or 128 with no survivors. Plus we don't know if Lucas had a snack on the villagers while cooking them so there's that.

Shino: This is just horrible.

Me: I would say top 10. WW2 being above "this".

Redrick:*walking up to us* Suppose that Lucas or many like it attacks group of people. Or large groups.

GATE: Thus The JSDF & USMC Fought There!Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu