as you all reached the correct floor, you walked into the brothel, ignoring Masaway and heading straight for your room.

"do you wanna hangout with us, y/n?" Mikey spoke softly, hoping you wouldn't hide away in your room.

"i have to clean up and i'm just gonna go to bed; i'm really tired," you replied in a monotone voice, not waiting for an answer as you walked into your room, shutting the door.

the boys stood around concerned, deciding to just give you space and they all headed into Drakens room.

you sat on your bed, unmoving. a flood of emotions came up, and tears formed in your eyes.

with your breathing becoming faster, you covered your mouth with a hand and sobbed silently into it.

an overwhelming cascade of emotions filled your body, leaving you to feel helpless and empty.

anger rushed through, regret forming as you wished you could have just shot Hanma and made everything end.

but, he was still alive, and knowing him, he would continue to torment you until you did something drastic about it.

running a shaky hand through your hair, tears continued to run down your cheeks as you cried into the night.

it wasn't fair; none of what happened to you was fair. and you had an opportunity to make it all go away, but your conscience took over and made you do the right thing.

but it didn't feel right. what felt right was killing Hanma. but you knew that would be so much worse.

"fuck!" you whisper-yelled, careful of your volume as to not bring attention from the other room.

you stood up, pacing around the floor and clenching your fists together as hard as you could.

it was unfair. nothing was going right and you knew that.

looking down at your hands, you studied the number of cuts you had acquired from fighting so much earlier.

your whole body ached and screamed at you for sleep, but you couldn't even think of sleeping right now.

all you wanted to do was turn back time and be put in the same situation, shooting Hanma instead of the air.

it was wrong. but the feelings that overcame you felt even worse. almost to the point you couldn't handle it.

entering the bathroom, you stared at yourself in the mirror. you couldn't even recognize your own face.

it was like someone unfamiliar was standing before you, their scrutinizing gaze tearing you apart.

you looked away, unable to take the harsh reality of how this night was unfolding.

you knew that Toman had won; most of the members got out with minor injuries while Valhallas members were much more seriously hurt.

Hanma had fled the scene, all because of you. but his words still rang in your ears.

"this is all your fault anyways. why don't you end it, and live knowing everything you did caused so much trouble?"

you grabbed your head with both hands, crumbling onto the bathroom floor and praying that your brain would just shut up.

you didn't want to feel this way. it was unbearable.

even though no one was badly hurt on Toman's side, the whole reason a second battle with Valhalla ensued was because of you.

in the middle of your breakdown, the door to your room was heard slowly creaking open.

"y/n?" Drakens soft voice called out, and when he entered the room further, he saw your figure on your knees, crumpled on the bathroom floor.

he rushed over, crouching down and putting his hands on your shoulders, looking into your glossy eyes.

"hey, what's wrong?" "it's all my fault," you choked out, finding difficulty with even speaking in your state.

Draken gazed at you softly, pulling you into a hug. your head rested on his chest, feeling his steady heartbeat.

"it's not your fault; none of this is your fault."

"yes, it is! i almost fucking killed Hanma; i would've done it if you guys weren't there. it's my fault that Toman was in this mess."

he rubbed soothing circles on your back in attempts to calm your cries.

"it's not your fault."

he repeated those words, trying to bring you comfort.

you just sobbed quietly into his chest, gripping onto the material of his shirt tightly.

Drakens heart broke at how broken you seemed, staying quiet as he held onto your tightly.

you listened to his heartbeat, feeling the steady rhythm and your mind quieted down, soon followed by your sobs.

staying like that for a long while, you and him didn't break apart until you wanted to, which didn't happen.

eventually calmed by how he held you, you grew tired, shutting your eyes and falling asleep with the two of you on the cold bathroom tiles.

Draken was about to say something to you, when he looked down and saw that you had fallen asleep.

he gently picked you up, one hand under your knees and the other supporting your head, making his way to the mattress and setting you down softly.

brushing the hair out of your face, Draken gingerly kissed your forehead and walked out of the room, closing the door behind him.

when he went back into his own room, the boys who were waiting there looked at him for an update on how you were doing.

he just explained you were asleep, leaving out any more details.

they conversed absentmindedly, worried over their friend who was sleeping in the room just beside the one they were in.

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