Chapter 16

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Battle of Hogwarts

I stood with Draco, we stared at the side we should be joining but didn't move a muscle. "Harry Potter is dead!" Voldemort yelled making the death eaters erupt into manic laughter. I saw my mother and aunt, they were the only ones who looked lifeless. 

"From this day forth, you put your faith... in me" I glanced at Draco, he looked fearful. He had the mark, he knew he should be with his parents but he couldn't abandon me. "And now is the time to declare yourself, come forward and join us... or die" Voldemort smiled. Nobody budged. I felt scared, the dark lord knew me through my mother. I almost felt obliged to join them but I shook those thoughts out of my head.

"Draco" Lucius broke the silence. "Draco come" Cissy pleaded. He squeezed my hand tight. "Draco, you should go" I whispered, everyone was now looking at us. "I'm not going unless you do too" he whispered back. "Draco... I can't, you know that" I said sadly. "Then I'm not going" he decided. 

I took a deep breath and took his hand, pulling him away from our peers. Gasps and hushed voices were heard all around us as we joined the dark side. 

"Ah! Well done Draco and Delphini... well done" the dark lord thanked us with a hug as we walked over. I closed my eyes tight, imagining this wasn't happening. When he let go of us, I walked to my aunt and my mother. "Delphi what have you done" my mother hissed. "He wasn't going to go, I couldn't take any risks" I told her. 

"Well, now you know what you need to do" she said, placing her arm around my waist to protect me from those standing around us. I looked up at Cissy and she had a warm smile, I knew I'd made the right decision. 

Neville stood forward and began a speech about Harry. Although he had made a lot of mistakes, I of course grieved his death. Neville pulled out the sword of Gryffindor and Harry jumped out of Hagrid's arms, sending a spell toward Nagini. I looked at my mother and we ran. We joined my peers ready to fight. 

Voldemort hadn't noticed our treachery as he was preoccupied with exploding the school. 

We ran through the halls, she kept me close to keep me safe. That's when I saw Harry. He clocked us and pointed his wand at me. "Stay away from me Delphini or I will kill you! You betrayed us!" he threatened. I raised my hands in surrender. "We're on your side!" I explained. He still didn't believe me. 

"Don't bother sweetheart, just let him do this alone" my mother said, placing her hand on my shoulder. I saw Dolohov advancing toward Harry. This was my chance to prove to him that I am fighting with him.

"Stupefy!" I yelled, making Dolohov fly into a wall, knocking him unconscious. Harry looked behind him to see who I had hit. "Delphi I-" he started. "No time Harry, go and do what you need to do" I said, urging him to keep going. "I trust you!" he yelled as he ran down the corridor to find Nagini. 

I looked to my mother who was smiling at me proudly. "Come on my little Cobra, we have a war to win" she said, pulling me towards the main yard.

We battled hard and I showed determination. As I was fending Yaxley off, I saw her. She was running across the yard, and in the distance I could see Voldemort. I had to act quickly. I blasted Yaxley, knocking him down and ran towards her. Just as Voldemort was about to strike her, I jumped in front of her... I took the hit. "Stupid girl" I heard the dark lord say before everything went black.

Bellatrix's POV

"DELPHINI!" I screamed in pain as I watched her take a hit for Hermione. I disregarded everything going on around me and rushed to her side. Hermione was cuddling her, crying. "I'm so sorry Delphi, I wish I'd have known" she whispered as she cradled my daughter's body. "Mione" I whispered. She looked up at me and cried harder. "Bellatrix I am so sorry, I didn't know he was going to try to hit me... I didn't even see her coming" she was hurting and I knew that.

"This isn't your fault. Nobody knew you would be a target" I told her, crouching down to hold her as well as my daughter. I looked at Delphi's lifeless face, my mini me, my cobra... gone.

We took her into the great hall quickly, there were so many lost soldiers. My heart broke. There was no justification for all of this bloodshed, only avarice. 

We put her body down next to Fred Weasley. Ron saw us carry her in. "Mione, Madam Black... I'm so sorry" he whispered. "You have no right to be sorry Ronald! You shunned her and all she ever did was care about us. All along, she and Draco weren't scheming against us. They were doing it to protect us. You were just too big headed to see that" Hermione yelled, the whole of the hall grew silent. 

"I've lost too! Look at Fred, my brother. I even lost Lavender! You don't even care" Ron said in his defense. "Lavender... it's always about bloody Lavender. You didn't even love her!" Hermione was really beginning to lose her temper.

"Mione, let's just grieve Delphi" I whispered, pulling her into a motherly hug. She cried in my arms, she really did love my daughter. 

Both of us sat down next to Delphini. "You were so loved" I whispered, placing a kiss on her cheek. "She's still warm?" I said in shock. "Poppy!" I yelled, getting madam Pomfrey's attention. "Yes, Madam Black?" she asked, looking fearful of me which left me a little bit confused. 

"Can you check Delphi's pulse for me? she's warm" I said, shaking in hope that my daughter was still alive. She held her wrist gently and felt it. I heard her let go of the breath she was holding, "she's still alive" she whispered. I almost screamed in joy. 

Narcissa came as soon as she could. "Bella, I'm sorry" she said, her cheeks were red and her eyes looked puffy. "There's no need Cissy, she's alive" I say through my tears, hugging my sister. "What?" she said in shock. "But I thought?" 

I shook my head. "She survived the hit somehow" I shrugged. But I didn't care how it happened... all I cared about at that moment was that I hadn't lost the only thing keeping me going. 

"Mione..." I heard a faint voice. I looked down and saw her trying to move. "Don't move darling, it's okay... you're safe" I said, holding her hand. Hermione grabbed the other, "I'm right here Delphi" she whispered. Delphi managed to crack a smile.

"What happened?" she asked. "That doesn't matter darling" I whispered, kissing her forehead. "How am I alive?" she suddenly said, I looked to Narcissa for help... I didn't know what to say.

"A mother and another's love can conquer all" 

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