Chapter 13

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We hadn't been back at Hogwarts for a week when things took a turn for the worst.


Draco had been extremely distant for a while now and I was beginning to worry. He hadn't spoken to me for weeks and I never saw him anymore. I decided to confide in Hermione.

"I just don't know what's up with him!" I sighed. "Delphi, I'm sure it's nothing" she whispered. 

"I mean, he's my cousin! He tells me everything. It's like I just don't exist to him anymore" I shook my head. "I'm sure there's a rational explanation to this Delphi... maybe he's just feeling pushed away" she shrugged. "Pushed away? How!" I asked her.

"Well, you have me but who does he have?" she asked. I took a second to think about it and realised that he only had me. "How could I be so stupid?" I yelled. "Calm down Delphi" Hermione tried to console me but it didn't work. "I have to find him" I said rushing out of the room and leaving Mione by herself.

"Draco!" I yelled as I saw him heading somewhere alone. He looked back at me and said nothing. I ran towards him, just in time to sneak into the room of requirement. "What are you doing in here?" I asked him, making him jump. 

"None of your business! You had no right following me in here Delphini" he shouted. "Draco! You're my cousin. Why haven't you been talking to me" I yelled back.

"You've been preoccupied with Potter and you're new girlfriend. I thought family meant everything to you" he said, clearly hurt. "Draco I am sorry! I got caught up in things. I didn't forget about you I promise" 

"You never have the time for me anymore" he whispered. "I will always have time for you Draco" I said, hugging him. 


Mione and I entered the great hall, hand in hand. We took a seat next to Harry and Ron only to find the pair giving me the most evilest looks I have ever received. "Have I done something?" I asked. "Yeah... you have" Ron spat. I looked at Hermione for help as I had no clue what I had done but, she looked almost as lost as me.

"Your evil little cousin is a death eater. Fail to enlighten us on that one Black?" Harry spat at me. My eyes widened. "What? I didn't even know Harry, honest" I said, trying to understand what I had just been told. "Don't play dumb with me, Black" Harry said standing up.

"We haven't been talking as much as we usually do, I swear I didn't know" I pleaded for him to understand. "Just stay the fuck away from us all. Hermione, come on" he beckoned her to follow them. "I'll talk to him" Hermione smiled. I nodded but I wasn't sure it would work.

I looked over at Draco, he looked incredibly depressed. I walked over and placed my hand on his shoulder. "I think you and I need to talk" I said with authority. Without saying a word, he got up and followed me to my dorm room.

"Well, have you got anything you need to say to me?" I asked. He shook his head. "You're lying!" I yelled, spells flying out of the tip of my wand, destroying anything they hit. "DELPHINI STOP IT!" Draco yelled.

"NO! NOT UNTIL YOU TELL ME WHAT THE HELL YOU'VE DONE" I screamed. "Okay! I'm sorry" he said, tears rolling down his pasty cheeks. He still said nothing. "Well?" I spat, getting impatient. He rolled up his sleeve to reveal the dark mark. "Draco..." I whispered. "Why" 

"I didn't have a choice Delphi. My father made a promise to the dark lord. Now I have a task that I must fulfill" he said, hanging his head in shame. "I can help you" I said, trying to make him feel better. "NO" he yelled. "You can't help me with everything Delphi, I need to do this alone" he said, calming down. 

"Can you at least tell me what you have to do?" I asked. "I have to kill Dumbledore..." 

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