We'll meet again

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Severus Snape lay on the cold stone floor, his hand pressed to the wound in his side, blood seeping through his fingers. He knew that he was dying, that there was no hope for him now. But even in his final moments, he couldn't help but feel a sense of regret and sadness.

As he lay there, feeling his life slipping away, Snape couldn't help but think of his daughter. His beautiful daughter he had failed to protect.

His daughter, whom he had lost so long ago, was never far from his thoughts. He had loved her so fiercely, had tried to protect her from the dangers of the world, but in the end, he had failed.

she was only nine years old. He had always regretted that mistake, had always wished that he could go back in time and fix what he had done.

He still remembers that day vividly.

Severus Snape had always been a man who kept his emotions tightly controlled. He had seen and experienced so much pain and suffering in his life that he had learned to build a wall around his heart. But when he walked into the kitchen and saw his daughter lying motionless on the floor, that wall shattered into a million pieces.

He had been working on a particularly difficult potion that night, one that required his full concentration. He had left the potion on the table for only a moment, to retrieve an ingredient from the back of the room. But in that moment, his daughter, who had always been curious about her father's work, had taken a sip of the potion.

As Snape rushed to his daughter's side, he could feel the panic rising in his chest. He knew what the potion was capable of, knew that it was deadly in the wrong hands. He tried to revive her, tried to find an antidote, but it was too late. She was gone.

Snape felt as though his heart had been ripped from his chest. His daughter had been the one bright spot in his life, the one person who had ever shown him unconditional love. And now she was gone, taken from him because of his own foolish mistake.

He couldn't bear to be in the same room as her lifeless body, but he couldn't bring himself to leave her either. He stayed there, on the cold stone floor, cradling her in his arms, until the sun began to rise. His heart shattered beyond repair.

From that day forward, Snape was a changed man. He threw himself into his work, into his studies, doing everything he could to make up for the mistake that had cost him his daughter. He became even more closed off, even more distant, unable to trust anyone with his heart again.

But deep down, he always carried the memory of his daughter with him. He knew that he could never fully make up for what he had done, but he vowed to do everything in his power to ensure that no other parent ever had to experience the pain that he had felt that terrible night.

As he lay there, feeling his life slipping away, Snape felt a sudden presence beside him. He opened his eyes and saw his daughter standing over him, a faint smile on her face. He couldn't believe what he was seeing, couldn't believe that she was there with him in his final moments.

"Dad" she said softly. "You must keep fighting, you can't give up now. The wizarding world needs you. There is a bezoar in your coat pocket, it will help to slow the poison and give you more time."

Snape was stunned. He had never believed that he would see his daughter again. But here she was, urging him to keep fighting, to keep going. He reached into his pocket and found the bezoar, pressing it to his lips and swallowing it down.

As the effects of the bezoar began to take hold, Snape felt a sudden surge of energy. He knew that he still didn't have much time, but he was determined to make the most of it. He looked up at his daughter and smiled, feeling a sense of peace wash over him.

"I love you, I love you so much. I am so sorry I failed you, my love." Severus said with tears in his eyes.

"It's okay dad. I'm okay now." She replied

Tears were flowing from Severus' eyes. He was in shock. His mind was in pure disarray.

"Don't cry dad. We'll meet again, I don't know where, I don't know when. But I know we'll meet again some sunny day."

Severus couldn't help but smile when his daughter told him they'll meet again one day. He knew she meant it, and he had no doubt anymore that he'd see her again. After all nothing in this world could keep him away of her, his daughter he loved so much. He would see her in the afterlife one day.

And so, Severus gently embraced his daughter, who began fading away. He wiped his tears as he held her, the only daughter he had ever known and loved, the only daughter he would ever have. As his daughter faded away Snape whispered, with a smile on his face and a longing to see her again.

"I love you"

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