Chapter 1

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Wednesday stepped out of the car, Lurch closing the door after her, and surveyed the imposing buildings of Nevermore Academy. Memories returned to her of a canoeing race, Gates house chase and a battle at fast pace.

It was refreshing to walk the hallways of the outcast school and step into the cool, bright dorm room that was Ophelia Hall. Her luggage had already been delivered - piled up against the colourless side of the large window; rather more vibrant boxes and bags leaned symmetrically against the other, practically burning the corneas off Wednesday's eyes. Used to this, however - having spent the latter part of the autumn term with Enid's guerilla attack on achromatic shades - Wednesday sighed and dressed her bed in colours that matched the night sky, then focused on setting up her beloved typewriter.


Oh. What a shame. The werewolf had arrived.

"Good afternoon, Enid. How -"

But Enid Sinclair had already wrapped her vividly-clad arms around the entirety of Wednesday, who jerked reflexively backwards, kept from falling only by the corner of the desk that stabbed into the small of her back.

"Still not a hugger?", asked Enid, blue eyes saddening. Wednesday was rather lost for words, for some reason finding her lungs restricted by a memory of the pressure that the hug caused on all sides of her. Wednesday could feel every point where her friend had touched her, as if she had been bruised or burned. Confused and irritated, Wednesday swept out of the dormitory without explanation.

(Sorry for the short chapter, the chapters get longer later, just setting the scene)

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