Slowly you walked up behind him and leant around him to place the cup into the sink where he was washing the dishes, he glanced at you with a soft look on his face.

"Thank you, that was very helpful." Nines said proceeding to then go back to what he was doing, you pressed the front of your body into his back still watching him. "Can I help you, Y/N?"

"Nope. Just watching." You answered truthfully.

"I see, what would you like to do once I have finished this?" Nines asked you without actually looking at you, his task being his main focus. "I don't know... my house is boring." You mumbled in response to his question, that's when he actually looked over to you.

"We are not going out, you were sent home due to exhaustion. So we will have to find something to do." Nines declared before his attention turned back to his task again. This only made you let out a huff and press your body against his more.

His body slowly grew tense at this.

"You could watch TV and I'll possibly fall asleep again." You suggested still watching Nines, he was now washing up the glass you had put in meaning he was almost done. "I do not mind that, however you may want to get a blanket so you do not become cold while sat on the couch." Nines said moving the cup over to dry, turning the tap off and grabbing onto the towel to dry his hands.

"You can keep me warm." You murmured slowly pulling yourself away from Nines, he span around as his eyes went wide and he looked away. "What?"


"Spit it out."

"Your vest!" Nines exclaimed as he pointed a finger towards your chest, looking down you saw what he meant and moved it back.

"No need to malfunction... it's just a part of the female body, Nines." You giggled finding his reaction cute, he genuinely had no idea what to do, his LED spinning red the whole time. "I am fully aware of human female anatomy, Y/N, I must go check on the washing. I will meet you in the living room soon." Nines said as he brushed past you, briskly, you sent a confused look his way as he disappeared from the room.

"Such a weirdo..." You laughed to yourself before moving back towards your room to grab a blanket from the top shelf in your wardrobe.

You had to stand on your toes to be able to reach, as you gripped onto the edge of one of the blankets and started to edge it towards yourself. Your feet started to hurt so you let out an irritated huff and put your feet flat onto the ground once more.

'I wish I was as tall as Nines... this wouldn't be a problem then.' You thought while staring at the blanket that was halfway off of its shelf. The sound of your phone took you away from your thoughts, shrugging you move over and pick it up from the bedside table.

It was Connor, of course.

Not sure if you're still sleeping, but I hope you slept well.

Smiling down at the message you instantly reply.

I slept okay, how's your back? Has Hank found out about it yet?

After sending the text you place your phone back down and move back towards your wardrobe, on a mission.

"Let's do this." You told yourself as you stood onto your toes once again, reaching out to the blanket and gripping onto it. Slowly shuffling it out towards you. "Come on... not much further..."

This time your arm began hurting so you plopped your feet back down on the ground and let your arm fall to your side. To entertain yourself for a few moments you started making popping noises with your mouth. Then came attempt number three.

I can't be what you need| RK900 x Reader (female) Where stories live. Discover now