Hide and Scream

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(No, this is not angst or horror, I just couldn't come up with a better name)

Pen x Eraser x Blocky x Snowball (what the heck would this ship even be called?)

Requested by: @NewLanguages


"Well, why am I the only one who has to hide?" Pen asked, placing a hand on his hip sassily.

"Because you're a nimble little sh!t and it's going to be impossible to find you," Blocky responded, grabbing a blindfold from the bench. Pen sighed as his three boyfriends put on their eye masks and sat at the table, ready to count.

"Well, at least give me some time to hide, it's practically barren out in the plains!" Pen exclaimed, placing a hand on the yellow wood. Eraser nodded and said, "okay, we'll count to 1000, that should give you some time." Pen tapped the table in agreement and ran away as the other three started to count.

Pen ran out to the forest and started to climb one of the golden trees, but then he realized, 'wait, I probably should'nt be climbing a tree this close to the edge of the forest if I don't want them to find me. After all, I do have 1000 seconds to hide. 'Pen thought as he slid his thin body down the rough bark and landed on the leaf covered floor. Pen ran further into the forest where he found a decent sized tree, and he began to climb it.

Pen kept from branch to branch, his fingers easily gripping the bright trunk and he made his way up the tall tree. Pen searched and found a particularly bushy part of the leaves, where he then covered his body with the yellow stuff, and hid there, waiting to be found.


Pen had been waiting in the tree for a few minutes before he heard talking below him.

"He's got to be in the forest somewhere, there's literally nowhere else to hide," Eraser said, looking around the woods.

"Ohoho, when I find him, I'm gonna snatch him up, and cuddle him so hard for being hard to find," Blocky said, rubbing his hands together mischievously. Snowball whacked him on the back of the head and said, "it's hide and seek, of course he's going to be hard to find, dumb&ss." Blocky rubbed the part where he was hit and shrugged, beginning to walk away with the other two. Pen, still in earshot, stifled a gasp and flung his hands up to his mouth. 'Sh!t.' He thought, as it was only a matter of time before they would find him in the tree.

The three male objects soon walked away, and for a moment, it was silent, that was, until Tree and Black hole wandered in, talking about something meaningless. Pen looked around for a moment to make sure that it was safe, before he slowly slid out of the (non sentient) tree, landing on the ground with a thud behind his two friends. Tree and Black hole turned around, seeing Pen land very ungracefully.

"The h€ll are you doing here?" Tree said in his funny accent as Pen brushed himself off. Pen took a moment to hather his bearings before saying, "listen, man, you gotta help me, my boyfriends are looking for me, you need to hide meeee!" Pen begged, flailing his arms in exasperation. Tree raised an eyebrow before saying, "why are you even hiding from them in the first place?" Tree asked, putting a hand on his hip as Blackhole floated emotionlessly.

"They'regoingtocuddlemewhentheyfindmeandigetreallyflusteredwhentheydoandidon'twantthemtoseemelikethat!" Pen said, quicker than a rabbit. Tree and Blackhole looked at each other for a moment before Tree suddenly shouted, "HEY! PEN'S OVER HERE! HE'S RIGHT HERE! OVER IN THE FOREST!" Pen looked at Tree with utter betrayal, while Tree just turned to Pen and smirked, saying, "better run." Pen took his advice and ran for the hills, quickly exiting the forest and running out to the plains.

Pen looked around, spotting the stairs from a previous challenge. Pen quickly ran around to the front, dashing up the tall flight before reaching the top. Pen skidded to a stop and sat down near the edge, panting. 'How in the world did Needle do this so fast!?' He thought as he rested a limp arm on his knee. Pen heard footsteps behind him, Blocky and Snowball were quickly making their way up the stairs, Pen panicked at the sight of them, pressing the red button and teleporting to the bottom, beginning to run away before he was caught by his arm and dragged back.

Pen looked behind him to see that Eraser was holding him be his hand, smiling triumphantly. Blocky and Snowball were soon teleported beside them. Pen groaned and sat on the ground, his hand still being held in place by his pink, rubbery lover. Snowball walked in front of him, smirking and said, "you know what to do, boys."

Pen covered his face with his hands, trying to hide his blushing as he sat on Snowball's lap. Blocky chuckled from beside him as Eraser walked into the room with some blankets.

'Thank's, Tree.' Pen thought sarcastically.

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