There She Is! (Fubble)

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Fanny x Bubble

(WARNING: This one contains swearing and mentions of permanent death)

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It was another great day in Goiky. The sun was shining, the birds were singing, and Match was yelling at Bubble for god knows what. Ok, so maybe it could have been better, but at least is makes for some good ea to talk about later.

"Why can't you just do what you're told!?" Match yelled, pointing her finger at Bubble. "I would gladly do that; if what I was told didn't go against my moral code!" Bubble yelled back, crossing her arms. "Match, maybe we should just like, call it a day, we've been at this for a while" Pencil said, looking at the sky, really not wanting to be there. "Oh, so you're on her side now, huh!?" Match said, now looking at Pencil. "Well, no I just- er, well..." She stammered out, trying to come up with an excuse for herself. "then help me out here!" Match yelled at her, looking back at Bubble to start up the argument once more. With a sigh, Pencil joined her side of the fight. "Anyways, where was I? Oh yeah! Bubble, you totally need to like, stop whatever you are doing. It's not good for the alliance." Match said, trying to gain ground in the fight. "Oh, you want to talk about the alliance now, huh? Well let's talk about the fact that you never had our best interests in mind!" Bubble shouted, now getting really mad.

"Yeah!" A new voice agreed. It was Fanny, who was now walking up to the trio, having gotten grips as to what was going on. "Oh, like you can say anything, you freak." Match said, rolling her eyes. "Is this about the armless thing? Really? You're going to go there?" Fanny said, already done with Match. "Oh, it's not about that." Match said matter-of-factly. "Well then, what is it?" Fanny replied, not knowing what it could possibly be about, if not the armless thing. "It's about the fact that you're a pessimistic freak, and all because you lost your 'BiG bRoThEr' I mean really, get over yourself." Match said, closing her eyes upon finishing her statement. Fanny was taken aback, literally, she took a few steps back upon hearing this. Fanny looked at Match for a few seconds before running away faster than you could say 'damn'. A few seconds of silence followed before, "crap. That was too far, wasn't it?" Match said, only now realizing what she had just done. "yeah, no shit, Sherlock!" Pencil yelled, making hand gestures to show the gravity of the situation. "*Sigh* you should probably go talk to her, Bubble." Pencil said, looking at the aformably mentioned. And so she did.

It took a while to find Fanny, as she was a pretty fast runner, but eventually, Bubble found her while searching her cabin. "Fanny? Are you in here?" No response. Bubble thought that this should have been the first place the she should've searched, as it was Fanny's own cabin. searching through the place, she couldn't find Fanny in any of the rooms she looked in. All but one. *creeeeeeak* "Fanny?" Bubble said as she entered the room. Soft sobbing was heard, it was as if someone was trying to stop themself from crying. She was in here for sure. The sound came from inside a wall closet. (Why an object would need a closet, don't ask me.) Bubble slowly walked up to the closet, and upon opening the door, she heard, "Go away." Yep, she was in here. "hey, i'm just here to talk about.... this." Bubble said, holding her hands up in defense. "I said....... go the FUCK away!" Fanny shouted, stomping her foot on the ground. Bubble knew that she wouldn't get through to her like this, so she thought of another way. She grabbed a peice of paper and pencil from a nearby desk and wrote something down. she then slid the note over to the closet and walked away.

*crinckle crinclke*

"Thank you"

Dear Fanny,

I know what you're dealing with, and i just wanted to let you know that i'm here for you no matter what. I want you to feel ok, I want you to be happy, and if this is the only way to do it, then so be it, i'll do it, because i love you.


Hey, long time no see! it's been a while since i've uploaded last, and probably will be until i upload again, so keep that in mind, and if you want to know more then go to my profile page. :)

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