Nobody Else (Taco x Blocky)

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Taco x Blocky

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Taco looked down as she walked toward the competing grounds. "Hi, Taco!" She heard Blocky say. Looking up she replied, "hi, Blocky!" Waving her hand at him. "How's it going?" He asked her. "Good good.... I just wanted to talk to you" she replied slowly. "Oh! Sure. What is it?" Blocks questioned. "In, private" Taco said, looking around at the contestants surrounding them. "Uhh, sure." Blocky replied hesitantly. They then walked over to the cabins.

"So, what did you want to talk about?" Blocky asked, closing the door to Taco's cabin. "Well, I don't.... think I want to be here anymore." Taco said, rubbing the back of her neck. "What do you mean by that?" Blocky questioned, slightly concerned. "In terms of the show... I don't want to compete anymore." Taco said, looking at her feet. She expected Blocky to say something like, 'that's stupid' or even yell at her, but instead, he responded with a soft, "I don't either." Well, that was unexpected. "So, what are we going to do?" The mexican food asked. "How about we...... run away?" Blocky asked, sounding unsure of himself. Taco agreed, and so they did.

Running into the forest, the two objects were having the time of their lives, not having to worry about the competition, or the stress of being eliminated. "This is epic!" Blocky said, running down a small hill. "Yeah!" Taco agreed, following shortly behind him. Then, Blocky tripped on a rock, tumbling down the hill, and before she could stop, Taco tripped over the same rock, and tumbled down with him. When they finally stopped at the bottom of the hill, Taco was sitting on top of Blocky, who was laying on the ground. Taco looked down at her companion and got an idea. She leaned down, and kissed Blocky on the lips softly. Blocky was surprised at first, but soon kissed back.

Once the two got moving again, Taco said this. "You want to know something?" She asked Blocky. "What?" He responded, curious. "There is nobody i'd rather be here with than you." Blocky smiled at that.


This one is kind of short, but I hope that that's ok! :D

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