Diary (Tree x Black hole x Trans! Pen)

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Tree x Black hole x Trans! Pen

Requested by: Yipyee

Tree and Black hole had always been a little suspicious of Pen, because he would go into his cabin in for hours at a time, and not to sleep. He would go in there at the same time of day, every day of the week. So it had not gone unnoticed, and being the snoopers that they were, Black hole and Tree wanted to know what Pen was doing in there, after all, there wasn't much to do in the cabins.

"Ok, so this needs to be discussed. I know it, you know it, we all know it. Pen is very suspicious, in that, he goes into his cabin every day of the week, at the same time of day, for hours on end." Black hole said, looking at his team members that were gathered around, listening intently. "Any ideas on what he could be doing in there?" He continued. "Maybe he likes to take naps?" Pillow suggested. "No, that isn't it, i've been to sleepovers with Pen, if he was sleeping, we would hear him snoring from miles away" Tree said, shooting down the option. "Maybe he's drawing? He is a pen after all." Pie said. "Pen sucks at drawing, and he isn't the type to enjoy something that he's bad at." Bottle said, strangely enthusiastic in saying it. "Any more ideas?" Black hole said, after a moment of silence from the team. "Well, if we don't know, I have an idea on how we can find out" Tree said, rubbing his palms together. The rest of the team looked at him, bamboozled. "We  spy on him!" Tree said, throwing his fists into the air. "Sure, but don't be so evil about it" Black hole said, inching away from Tree.

Going over to Pen's cabin, Black hole and Tree his in a bush, Tree grabbing binoculars, and spying on Pen. "What's he doing?" Black hole asked Tree. "It looks like he's, grabbing something from under his mattress." Tree responded, not putting down the binoculars. "Oh, it's a book, he's writing down something in it." Tree said, still spying through the window. "What's he writing?" Asked Black hole, curious as to why Pen of all people would be writing in a book. "I'm not sure. I can't see it too well" Tree responded, squinting to try to see what Pen was writing. "Well, if we can't see what he's writing, then we'll just have to wait until he does something else." Black hole said, ready to sit in one place for hours if it meant that they could find out what Pen was doing this whole time.

He did not do something else. Black hole and Tree sat there for 3 hours, watching Pen just sit there and write in his book. "Well, I guess we figured it out, Pen just sits there and writes in his book" Black hole said, a little defeated. "It's not over yet. I want to know what's in that book" Tree said, still filled with determination. Pen that closed the book, put it back under his mattress, and walked out of his cabin and over to his friends. That was when Tree scurried to Pen's cabin, Black hole right behind him. Slamming open the door, Tree raced to the bed, lifting the mattress and taking out the book, while Black hole closed the door behind them.

"It's, it's it's.... a diary?" Tree said, losing the wonder in his voice halfway through. "Well, open it, see what's inside" Black hole said, Bobbing up and down in excitement. "Ok ok, jeez" Tree said, hesitantly opening the blue book labeled 'diary' and reading a random page. "Dear diary, today something funny happened, while doing a challenge, Tree got stuck inside of Bottle! I have no idea how he got in there, but this is definitely something worthy of telling the bros." Tree read aloud. The diary was interesting, so they read another page. And another. Soon, they had almost read the whole book, and found some information that they were not expecting.

Turns out that Pen was trans! And he had a massive gay crush on the two. But there's always something going wrong, a step right when they were about to put the diary away, Pen suddenly opened the door to the cabin, seeing the two reading his personal diary. Seeing Pen burst in like he did, Tree suddenly shouted, "THE GIG IS UP! BOOK IT!" and ran past Pen and put the door, Black hole hot on his tail. Pen sighed and picked up the diary that was left on the ground an put it back under his mattress. Pen looked out the open door at the two death pacters still running away and blushed, knowing that they liked him back.


Sorry that this one didn't exactly meet the request, but how could I not write Tree and Black hole high-tailing it out of Pen's cabin to god knows where.

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