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Venessa was about to shout when Sam put her hand on her mouth and dragged her inside the room.

Both sat on the floor, still stunned by the sight. Suddenly they heard footsteps.

'Fuck, if they find us, we are gone!!' Venessa whispered, shifting backward in his place.

'Let's hide,' Sam got up and moved behind a fallen rod covered in cloth which was a curtain once.

'Where are we?'

'I don't know,'

'How we reached the ground floor?'

The two boys were looking around the room surveying every corner; trying to figure out where they were.

'The room looks so antique.'

'Yea, these vases, rods, the prints on the curtains all resemble 90's.'

'Yea I agree,' the taller of the two said.

'Are we in the same generation or not?' the second boy said correcting his spectacles. He moved towards the window, peeping outside, 'This window doesn't give the outside view,' he tried with his thin hands to open the window but only to his disappointment.

'You pay attention to books, leave these muscular jobs on me,' he moved ahead, pulling his sleeves up, but he too failed.

'Ahh, leave this on me,' the boy mocked him and walked away.

'Why doesn't this....' he rubbed his hands and was about to give another try when the specs boys called him, 'Lucifer, come here,'

He left the window and moved towards the opening from where the girls had passed a few minutes before.

'What's there, Hayden?'

'There is only one way to find out,' he moved ahead.

'No stop,' Venessa blocked their path.

'Where you came from?' Lucifer said.

'It doesn't matter right now, just don't cross this,' Sam warned.

Lucifer was in white linen pants with a v-neck blue shirt, which immediately rose curiosity in Venessa's mind, 'Were you going to sleep with this on,' she asked pointing at him.

'No, I was in a meet,' he replied moving the hand through his fringe hairs. His shirt clearly displayed his muscular body and pushing Venessa aside he said, 'I want to see.'

Lucifer crossed the opening, followed by Hyden, walking through the alley.

'Why they asked us to stop?' Hyden asked bending a bit due to the low ceiling.

'Let's see,' he kept moving ahead in the dark alley until they saw the hall.

They froze, the hall was lit with lights and a creepy noise was on. The creatures were dancing with red juice in their hands.

'Lucc...luccc,' Hyden held his hand,

'y..y...' he was about to shout when Venessa covered his mouth and pulled him inside the alley. He sat on the ground breathing heavily.

Sam pulled Hyden inside and handed him water and said, 'drink.'

He took it and sat beside Lucifer covered in sweat.

'What we just saw Luci?'

'What...what is that?'

'We warned you but...' Venessa said.

'Just look at them,' the girls laughed mocking the boys who were still in shock.

'Someone wanted to see,' Venessa taunted.

'You should have told me, there are these weird talking structures roaming around,' Lucifer replied.

'Wow, great, were you listening? You just boldly walked out of the opening, how would I know you are  a coward.'

'What, what you said,' he jumped to his feet.


'Shut up, I am not a coward.'

'Oh really, who is shivering in fear sitting on the floor not even able to stand erect on his feet.'

'Guys, stop, listen,' Sam called them near the end of the alley.

'I have heard S2 saw a girl yesterday in the house?'

'Yea, he told me too, and not just one there are six to seven humans in the house.'

'Wow, there will be a giant fest then,' it laughed.

'But where are they?'

'How long can they hide, there is no way to escape from this house. But why they entered here?'

'They purchased this house,' he laughed heavily, 'they don't know nobody can own it.'

He joined and both drank the red juice.

'Today, T5 is coming home, just wait for the night, these humans can't hide from him.'

'Right,' he replied.

'Is this our last night?'  Venessa whispered.

An awkward silence fell over after Venessa's comment. All were looking at each other without a single hint of what except or how to fight it. 

..............................................to be continued.

Thanks for reading. Next part soon :)

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