Chapter Five

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Tsubaki watched over Sapphire, staring as the ends of his partners hair turned blue. Sapphire had gotten better since everything had been revealed and Kuro had been banned from seeing her by Ruby after she heard what happened. "Tsubaki"Sapphire mutters opening her eyes. He helped her sit up, handing her a cup of water. "How much longer will this last"Sapphire asks her legs feeling numb. "Sleepy Ash is the oldest and strongest, it'll last for a little while, but you'll be well enough to get out of bed soon"Tsubaki replies. Sapphire fell asleep again, Otogiri feeling her head. "She's become more prone to sleeping"Lilac says worriedly. "I sboukd go kill that guy"Berkia scowled looking angry. "Don't, he's not worth it"Tsubaki snorted.

Sapphires chest steadily rose and fell, a peaceful look on her face as she slept on. "Tsubaki, what do we do now, she belongs to Sleepy Ash"Lilac asks worriedly. "She may belong to him, but out of the two of them, she has more power over their relationship...even though she doesn't wanna be with him at all"Tsubaki replied. "Hey Ruby!" "Nope keep your cat outside!" "Sorry Kuro, you have to wait out here." Mahiru walked in, carrying a bag. "I brought her some soup and cookies, the others are worried as well"Mahiru informs setting the bag down. "How is she?"Mahiru asks. "She keeps falling asleep, but she's doing better..."Tsubaki reports. "Kuro sleeps a lot, it makes sense"Mahiru mutters. "Let me try something"Otogiri says.

She reached over and gently poked the nape of Sapphires neck. Sapphire opened her eyes, and sat up by herself. "How long was I asleep?"Sapphire asks. "Five days"Tsubaki replied getting up. "I'm hungry"Sapphire sighed. Kuro came in through the window, and dusted himself off. "Got tired of waiting"Kuro says. Tsubaki glared at him, looking annoyed. "Will you get out!"Mahiru orders. "I'm not about to get in trouble because you wanted to sneak in!"Tsubaki agreed. "Hey, why are you guys so mean to a helpless guy, who didn't do anything wrong"Kuro asks feigning hurt. "You mated yourself eith my Eve!"Tsubaki retorted. "STOP IT!"Sapphire yelled glaring at everyone. "I just got up and I don't need any of your bull right now!"Sapphire spat.

"You all need to chill out! Especially you Tsubaki, I appreciate your protectiveness but I don't need you keeping me safe everytime something little happens, you turn it into a big problem!"Sapphire snapped. "EVERYONE OUT!! NOW!"Sapphire commands. Kuro immediately left, his eyes wide with a small twinkle of fear. "Sorry Sap"Mahiru whispers. "Sapphire"Tsubaki says. "I need a second, alright"Sapphire sighed patting his head. Tsubaki smiled slightly and nodded. He turned and walked away, shutting the room door behind him. Sapphire climbed out of bed and looked out her window, spotting a ladder near her. She climbed up and reached over, almost falling to her death. A hand grabbed her, snagging her back.

"Mistress, that was dangerous!"Berkia scolded looking shocked. "I forgot you were still either me"Sapphire chuckled looking embarrassed. "Mistress needs her rest! I'll let you cuddle me in my doll form"Berkia grinned. She stared at him either sparkling eyes, Berkia getting her all tucked back in. He turned into a doll, chuckling as Sapphire hugged him. "Now get some rest, my sweet mistress"Tsubaki smiled. "I am sleepy again"Sapphire sighed. She closed her eyes and fell asleep, hugging Berkia tight. "I will cherish these moments so much"Berkia giggled. Tsubaki sneezed from outside the room and grumbled. "Berkia is stealing her attention again"Tsubaki sulked Ruby laughing at how pouty he looked. "That affection stealer"Tsubaki growled.

A black haired male stared towards Sapphires room window, a white haired woman with icy blue eyes standing next to him. "Do we go in and get her now, boss?" "No...not yet, I wanna make sure that Tsubaki protrctiveness reaches its max, imagine the anxiety and anger that'll follow." "Right." Footsteps came from behind the two a blond haired male walking over. "Croix, you're late!" Croix laughed, rubbing the back of his head. "Hey, cut me some slack, Vanisher, I got hungry, Bella, tell him to cut me some slack!"Croix grinned. "He's right though, you were late"Bella grinned. Vanizher snorted and looked back at the window. "Tsubaki is back in the room"Vanisher reports. "Oh you guys still spying on my baby sister, when are we gonna kill her?"Croix smiled.

Tsubaki tapped his heel on the ground looking irritated, feeling as if they were being watched by someone. He got up and closed the curtains, making sure the windows were secure as well. "BOO!" He yelled in alarm, and whirled around, finding Sapphire grinning at him. "I feel all better!!"Sapphire laughed. He sighed in relief and patted her head. "I'm glad"Tsubaki says. "WE CAME TO VISIT!!"Lawless announces bursting into the room. Sapphire laughed, Izuna hugging her, the others relieved to see her all better. Sapphire looked at Kuro, silence washing over everyone. "I guess we're partners now right"Sapphire sighed. She punched Kuro in the stomach, Tsubaki cheering behind hee. "THAT'S. MY. GIRL!"Tsubaki laughed Kuro grumbling.

"I feel much better now!"Sapphire grinned Mahiru sweatdropping. "Kuro, you alright?"Mahiru asks. "Remind me to not make this girl angry"Kuro says hugging his stomach, letting out a groan. "Why don't we go out! There's a carnival here today!"Izuna suggests working on a small invention as she spoke. "That's a great idea.."Tetsu says. Tsubaki looked sharply at the window, before grabbing Sapphire, his arm wrapped around her waist as four gunshots blasted through. "You alright, Tsubaki?!"Niccolo stared. Tsubaki grinned and held his hand up, revealing the smoking bullets. "I caught them"Tsubaki grinned. "Now lets go out and have fun"Tsubaki says. Mahiru perked up, noticing Berkia wasn't here anymore. "Berkia will take care of the problem"Tsubaki smirked.

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