Chapter Four

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Sapphire laid in bed, hugging Doll Berkia close, Tsubaki sleeping in his fox form curled up by her stomach. "Sap!"Ruby says opening the door. She stopped, staring at her sleeping sister and smiled slightly, quietly closing the door. The window opened, a snowy white haired woman appearing in the room, stepping around the bed, staring down at the sleeping girl. She raised her hand, then froze. Tsubaki stared her down, now on his humanoid form, his face centimeters from hers. "What do you think you're doing friend"Tsubaki demands. Berkia chuckled, raising an arm. "You're lucky that the mistress is here, otherwise he'd have cut your head off instantly"Berkia whispers careful to not wake Sapphire up. "Creeping around like want your head sliced off"Tsubaki warns.

"I wanted to see if she was alright, Sleepy Ash, asked me a favor"The woman mutters. "Get out..."Tsubaki orders lowly, his eyes glowing. The woman trembled and backed away, before hurrying to the window. "NEVER come back here, EVER!"Tsubaki scowled. He shut the window when she left and locked it up. "Tomorrow Mistress Sapphire has a meeting with the other Eve's and Servamp's"Berkia reminds. "I remember"Tsubaki replies staring out the window. Berkia hummed happily and turned over, giggling when Sapphire hugged him a little tighter. The sun started to rise, Tsubaki watching for a moment, frowning slightly. "Berkia, do you think Sapphire is in danger with me here"Tsubaki asks. "You did make a lot of enemies"Otogiri says coming in.

Otogiri gently shook Sapphire awake, Lilac setting the girls clothes out. Sapphire yawned, rubbing her eyes as she got dressed and ready, Otogiri brushing her hair. She sleepily brushed her teeth as the Subclasses got her ready for the day. "Hey, don't forget me mistress, I wanna come with you too!"Berkia reminds kicking his feet. "Of course"Sapphire yawned picking Berkia up, playing him in her bag. She looked at the time and sighed. "Guys, I don't go to school for another hour..."Sapphire says. "Ah, sorry mistress"Otogiri mutters double checking the time. Sapphire laid back down, falling asleep instantly. "Is the mistress alright, she seems tired"Otogiri asks placing a hand on Sapphires forehead. "She has a fever"Otogiri says surprised.

"Wht?!"Tsubaki demanded. "People handle sicknesses differently, the mistress gets more tired and sleeps much more when she's sick, I should've noticed the signs even after Ruby informed me"Otogiri says. Sapphire yawned, bundled up in her blanket. "And we made the mistress get up to get ready"Lilac sighed. "I'll call the school"Tsubaki insists walking away. "I'll get a bowl of water and a towel"Otogiri says getting to her feet. "I'll watch the mistress! Lift me up, lift me up!"Berkia says kicking his feet. Lilac placed Berkia in the bed, Sapphire immediately pulling him close. "Hehehehe!"Berkia grinned. A knock came from the window, Kuro waving when Lilac looked over. "Yes?"Lilac sighed. "She's sick?"Kuro asks slipping into the room.

"How did you find out"Lilac asks nervously, his eyes darting over to the sleeping girl. ".....A hunch..."Kuro replied obviously hiding something. "I just came to check on her"Kuro says. He climbed out the window and leaped down, leaving Lilac stunned. Lilac closed the window and sighed as Otogiri returned. Otogiri dipped the towel into the water and wrung it out, placing it on Sapphires head. "The school has been informed"Tsubaki says coming into the room. Tsubaki scowled, glancing around the room. "Why do I smell Sleepy Ash"Tsubaki demands looking ag Lilac. "He dropped by...I don't know how but he suddenly knew she was sick and dropped by to check on her"Lilac informs. "SAPPHIRE, ARE YOU HERE?!" Tsuaki scowled and sighed.

Mahiru and the other Eve's along with their partners came in, Sapphire letting out a quiet whimper. "That's not a fever"Lawless says startled. "She's not having a fever?!"Tsubaki demands alarmed. "No..she'd been mated with"Lawless informs. "MATE?!" Lawless flinched, nearly all eyes now on him. "Yeah, I saw it before a few times, humans getting fever like sicknesses when a vampire partnered with them"Lawless informs. Kuro's eyes widened in alarm, Tsubaki looking furiously at him. "It can happen without a Vampires knowledge, but only if they feel a certain way about the human they mated with"Lawless went on, rubbing the back of his head. "Sleepy. Ash!"Tsubaki snarled a livid look on his face.

"I didn't know..."Kuro says. Tsubaki tossed Kuro outside through an open window, shocking the others. "KURO!"Mahiru yelled. Tsubaki leaped out after him, landing swiftly on his feet. "I'm sorry, okay..."Kuro says standing up. "You think a sorry is gonna fix this?"Tsubaki demanded. "You threw me out here to argue, so we didn't wake Sapphire up..."Kuro says. "DON'T CHANGE THE SUBJECT! YOU KNEW WHAT YOU WERE DOING!!"Tsubaki yells. " what if I did..."Kuro asks pissing Tsubaki off more. "SHE DOESN'T BELONG TO YOU!"Tsubaki yells. "Tsubaki!" He stopped and turned, Mahiru helping Sapphire stand. "Enough"Sapphire says. Tsubaki sighed, calming himself. "Forgive me, I let my anger take control"Tsubaki mutters.

"It's alright"Sapphire chuckled. She looked at Kuro, staring at him. "I don't know what you did or how you did it, but you had absolutely no right to do this"Sapphire frowned. "I'm sorry, I..truly didn't know that I partnered myself with you"Kuro apologized. "Wait"Lawless says his eyes widening. "Kuro, you've BEEN mated with Sapphire, the process just wasn't finished!"Lawless yells. "I was already.."Kuro says stunned. "You two have been mates for a while, I can sense it from the two of you!"Lily agreed stunned. Tsubaki held Sapphire close, looking startled by the reveal. "Three years, that's how much I sense from you both"Lily mutters. "Three years"Mahiru says. Kuro looked at Sapphire, wondering what the hell was going on.

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