Chapter One

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Sapphire carried Kyro in her arms, a smile on her face. "Where are we going?"Kyro asked looking up at her. "To the grocery store! Ruby needs some ingredients for dinner tonight"Sapphire smiled. "If only I knew where my Subclasses were...I'd send them out so you wouldn't get the risk of hurting yourself"Kyro sighed. Someone kicked Kyro out of her grip, causing her to scream in shock, her eyes widening in horror. "KYRO! OH KYRO!"Sapphire yelled running over to him. Someone grabbed her, pulling her back. "Stay back he's dangerous!"Mahiru ordered keeping her back. "Wait...did you just-"Mahiru started. Mahiru tumbled away, Tsubaki looking terrifying. "You dare make my Eve worry for me"Tsubaki demanded looking furious. "Your Eve?!"Mahiru gasped shocked. "Kyro, No!"Sapphire yelled grabbing his arm.

"He made you scared...I saw it..."Tsubaki growled. "But...your promise..."Sapphire stared. He looked at her, then shifted into a fox and leaped into her arms. "I'm...sorry, I nearly broke it..."Kyro says his ears and tail drooping. She pressed a kiss to his cheek, gently hugging him. "It's's gonna be okay now"Sapphire smiled. "SAPPHIRE!"Kyro yelled. He turned humanoid again, leaping out of the way with her in his arms. "Older brother, how nice to see you again"Tsubaki glared venom in his tone. "Misono, Lily, don't hurt Sapphire!"Mahiru called. "Only if she doesn't get in the way, and don't give me orders! Lily get him!"Misono frowned. Tsubaki leaped away when Lily came for him, dodging attacks, Sapphire gripping his kimono.

She let out a small scream of pain, blood coming from a cut on her arm. Tsubaki stared at her, then started laughing, a maniacal look on his face. "Sapphire...cover your eyes, this is about to get bloody"Tsubaki grinned. He stepped away, Sapphires eyes widening. "KYRO STOP!"Sapphire ordered. Tsubaki stopped, staring at the people in front of him. "Lily, get him.."Misono ordered. Sapphire moved in front of Tsubaki, her arms out. "LEAVE MY SERVAMP ALONE!"Sapphire yelled. A sword came between Lily's scythe, Tsubaki throwing Lily back. "Sapphire, give me your arm..."Tsubaki ordered. She held her wrist up to his mouth, shocking the others around them when he bit down, sucking some of the blood. A chain appeared connecting Tsubaki to Sapphires finger.

"Oh dear...she wasn't lying he is her Servamp!"Lily says surprised. A large mallet appeared, Sapphire struggling to pick it up by the handles. "Leave it...I can handle these guys..."Tsubaki chuckled amused by her struggling. "Are you sure..."Sapphire asked. He patted her head and nodded, before launching himself forward, gripping two swords by the handle. He appeared behind Lily and struck his older brother down, not giving him another time to recover as he kicked Lily right in the stomach. "Kuro!"Mahiru called. Kuro dashed out of the darkness, following Tsubaki. Something flew through the air, the mallet colliding with Kuro's head, sending him crashing into a building. "I did it Kyro!"Sapphire beamed her eyes sparkling happily, gripping the large mallet.

"Good Job, but there's more of time to praise you right now"Tsubaki says. He grabbed her and leaped away, startling the Eves and their Servamps. "HEY COME BACK HERE TSUBAKI! YOU CAN'T HIDE!"Misono yelled furiously. Tsubaki ignored him, carrying Sapphire away. He stopped once there was enough distance between them, and set Sapphire down. "MASTER!" Tsubaki pulled Sapphire behind him, blocking a sword. "Berkia! You harm her and I will have your hide!"Tsubaki threatened throwing the sword at his Subclass. "Well...anyway, now that you're here, send Otogiri to get groceries"Tsubaki says. "Why..."Otogiri asked stepping out from the darkness. "Good you're Eves sister needs groceries, here's the list"Tsubaki says tossing her the grocery list.

"Oh...okay"Otogiri says surprised. "WAIT SERVAMP?! YOU BOUNDED YOURSELF TO A HUMAN?!"Berkia yelled shocked. "Is there a problem, I'm looking for a new start....and it starts with her, and keeping promises...even though I broke the promise I made"Tsubaki sighed. Sapphire hugged him, resting her head on his chest. "You had to defend yourself...and you defended me, I am upset the promise was broken but you broke it for a good I'm not mad at you for that"Sapphire smiled. "Tomorrow, you're coming to school with me"Sapphire beamed. Tsubaki blinked in surprise, staring at her. "You gotta stick with me, am I right?"Sapphire asked. "Right"Tsubaki smiled. He shifted into his fox form, landing in her arms, his head resting comfortably on her chest, his tails wagging behind him.

"Lets head home, they'll get the stuff"Kyro smiled. "Okay"Sapphire smiled. She walked away, holding him gently yet firmly in her arms, worried about the bruise on his head from getting kicked earlier. "Sis!"Sapphire called pushing the door open. "Where's the groceries?"Ruby asked. Sapphire looked down at Kyro, then sat her sister down. "There's something I want to show you...someone I want you to meet"Sapphire says. "Go ahead..."Ruby frowned looking suspicious. "Kyro..."Sapphire nodded. Kyro leaped up, turning into Tsubaki and landed beside the couch. "WHAT IN THE WORLD?!"Ruby gasped getting to her feet. "I am Tsubaki, your sisters Servamp, me and her made a contract together so I serve animal form is a two tailed fox and if you don't mind I would like to return back to being cuddled"Tsubaki says.

He shifted back into a fox, smiling as Sapphire held him close. "His Subclasses, Vampires who serve him, are getting the groceries so I thought I'd tell you so you don't find it weird that someone else has the grocery list"Sapphire informed. Kyro cuddled closer to her, Sapphire smiling down at him. A knock came from the door, Sapphire standing up. She opened the door, several vampires walking in. "Ah!"Ruby gasped. "Hello everyone"Kyro greeted. "You weren't lying.."Ruby frowned looking disturbed. Sapphire looked at each vampire in return, giving them a welcoming smile. "Now that we're all back together, we're gonna work together and protect Sapphire..."Kyro says. "You sure?!"Berkia demanded. "Whatever I say goes!"Kyro growled. "I hope we can all get along!"Sapphire beamed. Silence followed, Sapphire keeping the beaming smile on her face. "We must protect her at all costs..."

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