Chapter Three

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Tsubaki stared, his eyes wide in alarm. Sapphire looked at him, Lily keeping her still. "Keep your hands off her you perverted sicko"Tsubaki says his hands twitching. Lily smiled, pressing the scythe against Sapphires neck, adding more pressure. "All you gotta do is come quietly"Misono says. "Why won't you all leave me alone...just leave me be!"Tsubaki snarled his first trembling. "You dragged an innocent person into this yourself, Tsubaki, don't blame us for your own actions"Misono retorted. "Kyro"Sapphire mutters. Tsubaki trembled, gritting his teeth as his eyes started watering. "Leave us alone! I wanted a fresh start!"Tsubaki mutters his eyes glowing. "EVERYONE GET BACK!!"Mahiru yelled. "LEAVE. US. ALONE!"Tsubaki yelled.

Sapphire gasped, Lily's scythe cutting the side of her neck. Tsubaki looked at her, his eyes wide in shock, a red aura filling the room. Sapphire fell to the ground, laying on her side. "Sapp..hire.."Tsubaki mutters. He screamed, gripping his head, more of the red aura filling the room. "TSUBAKI, THERE'S INNOCENT PEOPLE IN THE SCHOOL, WHAT WOULD SAPPHIRE SAY TO YOU HURTING THEM!"Mahiru yelled hiting behind one of the walls. Tsubaki sat on his knees, silently holding Sapphire, tending to her neck. "Kyro"Sapphire mutters opening her eyes, looking tired. He got to his feet, and walked away, tears falling down his cheeks. "Kyro"Sapphire says reaching for him. ""Tsubaki commands.

Sapphire stared, then shrieked in alarm, shielding her face as a blast of the red aura came at her, splitting apart and moving around her. She lowered her arms, her eyes wide, watching the aura as it avoided her, swirling around but not coming close. Tsubaki laughed, a maniacal smile on her face. "IS THIS THE TSUBAKI YOU GUYS WANTED TO FACE!! HERE I AM! COME AND GET ME!"Tsubaki grinned. "You're not that same Tsubaki!"Mahiru yelled. Tsubaki scowled, staring towards Mahiru. "If you wouldn't be protecting Sapphire right now..."Mahiru adds staring at the Servamp. Tsubaki looked behind him, staring at Sapphire. "If you're the same Tsubaki, then release the hold you have on the aura"Mahiru went on.

"Release it, Tsubaki! If you're the same Tsubaki that we fought, then harm Sapphire right now!!"Mahiru yells. Tsubaki lifted his hand, Sapphire staring in shock. He stared down at her, then stopped. "I can't...I won't.."Tsubaki mutters the red aura returning to him. He fell over, landing on his back. "KYRO!"Sapphire gasped. She shook him her eyes wide. "Tsubaki! Hey Tsubaki!"Mahiru says trying to wake him. Tsubaki laid still, before opening his eyes a moment later, looking around. "Sap"Tsubaki mutters narrowing his eyes, his vision blurry. "Kyro"Sapphire smiled relieved. She hugged him, Mahiru staring at the two, a small smile on his face. "Misono"Mahiru says standing up. "I think, Tsubaki and Sapphire should join the team"Mahiru smiled.

Sapphire stood before other Eve's with their Servamp's, looking nervous about meeting them all. "Hello I am Sapphire, it's nice to meet you all"Sapphire greets. "I am Kyro, her Servamp, I am looking for a fresh start and my new story starts with keeping Sapphiee safe"Tsubaki says narrowing his eyes, "She is my top priority." Kuro stared at Sapphire, feeling something familar about her. "Here Tsubaki"Sapphire beamed pulling out crackers. Tsubaki smiled and shifted into his fox form, landing in her arms. His tails wagged, smiling as she fed him. " so awkward, seeing him like this"Misono scowled looking disturbed. "Sapphire, Kyro meet the other Eve's, Tetsu, Licht, Mikuni, Izuna, and Niccolo"Mahiru says. "Hello"Sapphire greets.

"Pretty..."Tetsu says. Kuro suddenly tossed him a glare, before catching himself startled he did that, his eyes wide. "What the..."Kuro mutters turning away. "Kuro, you alright?"Mahiru asks. "I don't feels as if I've seen Sapphire somewhere, I..I don't know, I felt protective when I first saw her, and it's confusing me"Kuro mutters. Mahiru blinked, then gasped. "Are you in love with her?"Mahiru asks. Tsubaki looked sharply at the two, his ears twitching. "No, it's not love, it's something else"Kuro corrects. "HELL NO!" Tsubaki kicked Kuro right into the wall, laughter coming from Izuna. "Looks like someone won't be getting close"Mahiru says feeling the protective aura wave off Tsubaki. "Bad Kyro! That was rude!"Sapphire scolded.

"Sorry Sap"Tsubaki sighed looking guilty. "But you gotta admit, I was kicking it, with how protective I was"Tsubaki joked. Sapphire giggled, covering her mouth, the others staring at her. "YOU FIND HIS JOKES FUNNY! THEY'RE SO BAD!!"Misono demands alarmed. "I can make her laugh~"Tsubaki grinned looking quite proud of himself. Sapphire smiled wide, the others flinching a little, feeling as if the sun was shining in the room. "Her cuteness is so bright!"Mikuni says. "She's like a real angel"Licht mutters. Lawless laughed, earning a glare from his Eve. "I'm glad I get to meet other people with Servamp's"Sapphire smiled, patting Tsubaki's head. "It's nice to see Tsubaki is finally chained down"Niccolo mutters snorting.

Tsubaki scowled, glaring at Niccolo. "You need to show some more respect!" Tsubaki stopped, looking down at Sapphire stunned. "Everyone deserves a second chance! It's you guys fault for coming after him today, nothing would've happened if you guys let him rip the pages out of his book and start another!"Sapphire scolded. "Shame on all of you, that's like bullying someone! He's allowed to make a fresh start however he wants, it doesn't mean he's chained down"Sapphire went on. "And you know what, I'll be the one who takes care of Tsubaki and I will protect him! So I don't wanna hear anything else about what he did in the past because this is the now, and the future depends on our actions!"Sapphire glared. "Sapphire"Tsubaki mumbles stunned.

"Sorry..."Mahiru says feeling ashamed now. "..I'm sorry as well.."Misono grumbles. The others muttered apologizes, looking down or avoiding eye contact. "MS SAPPHIRE!!" Berkia hugged Sapphire, patting her head. "WE WERE WORRIED SICK! THANK GOODNESS YOU'RE ALRIGHT MISTRESS!"Berkia cried. He cupped her cheeks, turning her head to the side, spitting her bandaged neck, a patch of blood staining it. ".......want me to kill them Mistress"Berkia demands pulling out several knives. "BERKIA! DOLL MODE!"Sapphire commanded. She coughed a puff of smoke filling the air, her hand waving around, a now doll Berkia on the ground. She picked him up, and pressed a kiss to his cheek. "Thank you mistress"Berkia giggled.

"I will cherish that cheek forever"Berkia adds. Tsubaki stared in shock, his eyes wide. "I thought her kisses were limited only to me..."Tsubaki sulked. "Hehehehe, I got the kiss of the day Tsu-Tsu!"Berkia says smugly. Sapphire laughed, listening as Tsubaki went back and forth with Berkia, arguing with him over who got the next kiss. "I think she's a good influence on Tsubaki, he already seems so different"Misono frowned. "Surprised you even think that, thought you'd say something rude!"Lily chuckled. "I can be nice!!"Misono retorts. "Next kiss is mine, Berkia!" "No all mine, mine, mine!" Laughter came from some of the others, smiling as they watched Berkia and Tsubaki argue, Sapphire smiling in amusement. "Yeah, shez a good influence on him"Mahiru grinned.

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