Chapter Two

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Sapphire hurried to school, Kyro sleeping away in her backpack. She giggled and looked around, a wide smile on her face. "What's so funny?"Kyro asked popping his head out, looking around. "I'm just so happy the weekend is over! School is so much fun!"Sapphire beamed her eyes sparkling happily. Kyro stared at her, before sighing. "I don't get the appeal of school, but if you like it, I'm not gonna judge..."Kyro muttered. She smiled at him and reached up, petting her servamp, earning a small smile on return. Kyro vanished back into the backpack, snacking on the food she placed in there for him. "Sapphire!" Mahiru ran over, causing her eyes to widen.

She turned, running away, Kyro letting out a yelp of surprise at the sudden speed. "SAPPHIRE WAIT, COME BACK!"Mahiru yelled giving chase. She ran up the stairs, Mahiru following her with someone behind him. She panted, starting to feel dizzy and tripped on the steps, falling over. "OW!" She rubbed her arm, a pain also in her stomach and leg. Kyro leaped out, turning into Tsubaki, his eyes wide in alarm. "Sapphire!"Tsubaki says concerned, kneeling down beside her. "It hurts"Sapphire muttered. Mahiru stared on shock, his eyes wide. "Tsubaki...."Mahiru muttered. Tsubaki threw him a glare, his teeth bared.

"Stay away from her!"Tsubaki snarled a wild look in his eyes. "Ah...we're sorry"Mahiru says stepping back surprised. Tsubaki turned away, gently pressing at the spots on Sapphires body where it hurt. Sapphire yelped, her eyes wide when he pressed to her ankle. He gently pressed it again, then slipped off her shoes, finding her ankle turning red. He gently moved her foot around, Sapphire whimpering at the pain on her ankle. "You sprained your ankle, bruises are gonna form where you mainly fell at as well...but you'll be fine"Tsubaki sighed relieved. He placed her shoe into a backpack and looked sharply at Mahiru.

"You. Carry her to the nurse's office, this was your fault so take responsibility"Tsubaki growled. Mahiru stared then sighed and nodded. Tsubaki turned back into his fox form, and leaped into Sapphires backpack. Mahiru picked Sapphire up, Sapphire gripping the straps of her backpack. He carried her, a small sigh coming from him. "How come you let Tsubaki become your servamp, he's a bad guy"Mahiru asked. "He's not! He's really sweet and he cares about me!"Sapphire retorted angrily. "If you're gonna try and take him from me you're gonna have to pry him from my cold dead hands!"Sapphire spat.

Kyro popped his head out of the bag, and snarled warningly at Mahiru, daring him to try it. Kuro glared at Kyro, giving him a silent warning. Sapphire forced him to put her down and limped the rest of the way to the nurses office, looking annoyed. Kyro looked up at her, a worried look on her face, concerned about her ankle. She reached the nurse's office and immediately sat down, letting out a sigh of relief. Kyro stayed with her as the nurse tended to her her ankle, narrowing his eyes as he watched, bristling in his eve's grip. Sapphire sighed, sitting in bed, looking at her phone. Kyro shifted into Tsubaki and landed, sitting in a chair beside her. "Are you alright"Tsubaki asks.

"Yeah, my ankle doesn't hurt that bad"Sapphire nodded. "Sapphire." Mahiru came in, Kuro following behind him. Tsubaki got to his feet, scowling at the two, earning a scowl in return from the male. "What do you want?"Sapphire demands. "How's your ankle?"Mahiru asks. "I gotta stay here for the rest of the day, no thanks to you"Sapphire replied looking annoyed. "Might I suggest you two leave, before we have problems"Tsubaki demands. "We just have some questions, we wanna ask about you and Tsubaki"Mahiru says. "It's Kyro to you!!"Tsubaki yells glaring at him. "Tsubaki is not who I am anymore! My name is Kyro and I am the Servamp of this girl!"Tsubaki snapped.

"If you continue to bother her, I will gave no choice but to remove you by force!"Tsubaki spat. Kuro bristled, stepping forward. "Kuro, don't, he's just protecting Sapphire"Mahiru mutters stopping his Servamp in his tracks. "You guys need to leave, you're riling Kyro up"Sapphire orders. "I just wanna know where you found him"Mahiru says quickly. "That is none of your business"Sapphire says coldly. "Now, leave"Sapphire commands raising her wrist, Tsubaki opening his jaw ready. "Alright, we're leaving"Mahiru sighed backing away. Sapphire sighed in relief when he left, having thought she'd have to keep up thr mean act forever. "You're not good at being mean"Tsubaki teased.

"KYRO!!"Sapphire whined Tsubaki laughing as she slapped his arm. Tsubaki grinned at her, and patted her head. "I guess that was quite mahero of you"Tsubaki joked. Sapphire started giggling, covering her mouth. "Hahaha! Nobody has ever laughed at my jokes, I made you laugh, I made you laugh~"Tsubaki grinned his chin resting on Sapphires shoulder. "It was funny, poor Mahiru!"Sapphire laughed. Tsubaki smiled at her, then touched his chest, his smile fading slightly. "I've never felt this way before..."Tsubaki mutters. Sapphire stared at him, then grabbed his sleeve, looking concerned. "I've never felt this...genuinely happy at all"Tsubaki mumbles.

Sapphire stood up and hugged him, startling her Servamp. Tsubaki trembled, tears starting to fall down his cheeks as he returned her gesture. "Thank you...I-I needed this"Tsubaki mutters. "I know, everyone needs a hug to help them feel better"Sapphire smiled her head resting against his chest. He tightened his grip on her, a small smile on his face. "There, there, I'm here"Sapphire says gently patting his back. "HEY!!" Misono stared in shock, his eyes on Tsubaki's face, Mahiru standing behind him startled. "Tsubaki, are you crying"Mahiru asks. Tsubaki sniffed and started wiping his face. "Why do you care"Tsubaki demanded. Lily landed behind Sapphire and smiled, pressing his scythe against her neck. "Don't make any wrong moves, brother"Lily warns.

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