Chapter 3: An Unruly Battle

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A/N: Hello There, this is your author speaking. No need for an introduction, just get right on with the story. You can choose the colors for your hair, eyes, Bayard, and suit. Everything is pretty straightforward from here on out. Here are some shortcuts so your brain can comprehend what's going on for the story to progress. Also, to mention that this is for all genders Male, Female even non-Binary readers. I would like to include everyone. Also, I do not own any of the characters. This all belongs to the company DreamWorks.

N/N- Nick Name

F/N First Name

L/N Last Name

E/C Eye Color

H/C Hair Color

H/L Hair Length (Short- Mid-Long)

F/C Color - You can choose your bayard color. and Weapon

'll make sure to copy and paste this for every chapter, so you remember Because I too am quite forgetful.Sorry to keep you waiting... Let us get into the story.(*********) This means that there is a shift in the story...


"As we're all in our lions, we see Zarkons ship enter the atmospher and that's when  lasers start coming for us.."

"Alright team, this is the moment we've been waiting for, remember we need as much time as possible to be stalled.. Pidge you turn your lion invisible and try to get on that ship, Lance and Hunk will destory as many fleets as they can, Y/N and Keith will go with Pidge to infiltrate the Ship... Is that clear..." 

"Yes" we all say in unison..

"After getting in Pidges Lion, we were sucessfully able to land on the mothership.."

"Shiro we're going in" Keith Noted...

"Alright, be careful we don't know what's crawling in there all of you stay safe.." 

"We will..."

"We all jump out of the green lion and latch onto the ship , Pidge brings out her bayard to carve a hole in the ships intersurface...We sucessfully infiltrated the shi now we needed to find a Witch named Haggar  which seemed almost impossible since this ship was huge.."

"Alright guys we need to be on the look out for and druids or sentinels" I explained

"Pidge and Keith nodded, We all started running down the corridor hoping not to be seen or heard..After running for so long we ended up in the same place we were just at.."

"Maybe we took a wrong turn" Pidge said

" Obviously, we ended up back where we started" keith replied...

"Calm down, we need to think and trace our steps" I remarked

"Maybe we could spilt up?" Pidge suggested...

"That would be too risky, we can't have anyone getting captured" I imparted

"Sticking together may be the best option but it would be best if we all went our seperate ways to figure this ships layout" Keith noted...

"We all looked at each other in agreement and went out seperate ways...I crept around the ship hoping to not be caught... I heard oncoming druids towards the direction I was going.. I was either going to have to fight or flee.. Which in this case I decided to fight... I pulled out my F/w (favorite weapon) and slashed/shot multiple druids trying to dodge their attacks... I swiftly attacked with each strike pursuing my enemies one bye one...I saught no end to these attacks, they just kept multiplying... It felt like i've been fighting forever... I kept going no matter what... After what had seemed like forever I was down to the last three druids... I quickly disposed of my enemies and carried on looking for the witch... I ran down random corridors until I ended up in what it seemed like a prison... I walked past each cell in which some were empty and some were not.. I feel for these  people, No one should be imprisoned for wanting to be free... I either can focus on the mission or free these people... I wish I didn't have to choose... But in war we have to make choices is what Shiro says... In the end I decided to  help the poor civilians to the escape pods where they coud  go back to their home planets if they weren't already destroyed... I watched the last prisoner fly off into the vast, cold space... Until I heard my speaker go off hearing Pidge and Keith's voice wondering  where I'm at.. it seems they encountered the Witch Haggar..."

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