"If we succeed in killing Ella, does that mean the demons will be able to invade and destroy us just as we had heard from prophesies?" I inquired in anxiety.

"Ella can't be killed with her new great powers. We aren't killing her, but we will destroy all the love between her and the Lycan prince. She is destined to stop the demons, and that's all she should focus on, not taking away the man you love." He cooed to me, stroking my hair as he pulled me into a warm hug.

"Yes brother. I love Dracula so much. He is like my life—my breath of life. I can't survive seeing him with another girl. My heart longs and beats for him. I feel complete when he is with me. Please, don't let your sister suffer for the rest of her life." I sulked, sobbing under his arms, my body trembling at the thought of seeing him mark Ella in my imagination.

I had never been in love before now. I don't believe in fated mates and haven't met anyone, which is something I don't wish to have since I first set my eyes on Dracula. He is the man my life needs.

"I won't fail you. I owe you and your family my life. Just make peace with Ella and Dracula for now. We will beg for mercy and become their friends by all means. After then, we will go to the next part of the plan to destroy their love. Imagine getting pregnant for Dracula and having Ella watch the video clip of him having passionate sex with you...." He whispered into my ears, and I saw myself smiling sheepishly.

The imagination of what he told me filled my head, and I couldn't help the heavy breathing and gasp of excitement that took over me.

"Are you going to make that happen?" I moaned, and he nodded, pecking my forehead.

"With that huge heartbreak, Ella will never want to have anything to do with him. He will have no explanation because he won't even believe he did such a thing. With his first child in your womb, he is bound to be with you. I also have something else in mind that will totally put their love to an end. They will end up rejecting each other!" He concluded and stood up.

"Let's go to Dracula's office now and beg for his mercy. Trust me, the Lycan prince will be yours." He spoke with assurance and winked at me before stretching out his hand for me to take.

I exhaled a mouthful of air, rubbed my cheek soothingly again, readjusting my school uniform, and took his hand. I smiled at him, but he was forcing back his smile and made him look weird.

"You have to learn how to smile freely. Your classmates will be scared at this stony face of yours!" I teased, and he shrugged.

"I don't care about any classmate. I hate this school already. The female students won't stop ogling and irritating the shit out of me!" He hissed as we made our way out.

We got to the office, and I felt really scared to go in.

"What if he....

"Don't think negatively." Let's go in." He coaxed and knocked.

"Come in, please." We heard Dracula voiced out desperately. We were surprised at how gentle it sounded, but when we got in, it dawned on us that he mistook us for Ella.

"Fuck! Look who we have here?!" He snarled in pure disappointment and anger, his eyes glinting in fury, glazing all over my body as if they would eat me up.

"Please, we need to talk." My brother was the one who had the courage to talk, as I was already backing away. I was seeing his eyes glowing red and claws replacing his fingernails.

"I don't talk to fools. Scarlett, so you were the one who used the forbidden charm! You did it to me and made me blame it on that innocent girl. You made me hurt her terribly!!" His voice roared like a lion as he rose in his towering height as he was slowly shifting.

His aura was becoming lethal, sending alarms to me, telling me to take to my heels.

"We know we offended you; that's why we are here. To plead for forgiveness and help you have Ella back. Please don't kill us. Remember, out parent saved your parent's. Spare her, for she was carried away by her obsession."

Randy went down to his knee, bowing down to his head, and I quickly joined him, but I wished I had followed my instincts and run away.

Our plea was falling on deaf ears like water pouring on a hard rock. We really underestimated his ability to show up at this moment.

It started with my brother, Randy, who was at the front while I was hiding behind him. Dracula rose in his huge Lycan beast, which was like a bloodsucking monster standing straight with fangs shooting out and eyes deadly to look at.

He fired a powerful kick at my brother's belly, and it flung him aside, crashing on the wall, giving him a clearer view of me.

I heard the hit and raised my head, only to be faced with those pair of eyes filled with venom.

"I won't report you to my father to be beheaded when I can do it myself with ease. No one can play tricks on me and go scot free, no matter who it is. I don't give a shit what your parent did for my parent. Go to hell!!" He growled violently, and before I could wake up from my panic to think about whether to run or plead for mercy, his strong hand gripped my neck, and all his long, sharp claws lunged into my neck, all buried inside.

I burst into a screeching cry, struggling to free myself as I shook my head to escape but ended up getting his claws piercing deeper, my blood spilling profusely as excruciating pain waved through me.

I couldn't breathe well as he pulled me up from the ground with his grip on my neck until my legs were above the ground.

"Dracula, please....please... " I pleaded in a soft tone, having a little hope that it will melt his heart as he had once complimented me on this tone, but what I got after using it now was a hard headbutt that almost broke my skull. His headbutt formatted my brain and made me hazy as everything began to spin around me.

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