Chapter Twenty-seven

Start from the beginning

"And he's seventeen today," I realized. "Hmm."

Fifteen minutes later, Nash and his parents walked in and he grinned while everyone shouted out happy birthday. "Thanks, guys!" He laughed. He playfully shoved Zev, who was standing near and laughing. "You made me think you guys had forgotten."

"As if we would," Zev chuckled.

I watched as Nash suddenly stiffened and his eyes darted around the room frantically until they landed on Isobel.

"Oh, my," Isobel whispered while I watched them with wide eyes. "Liana, do you think..."

"He senses you're his mate," I said excitedly. I waited, expecting Nash to rush over to Isobel but he didn't. I frowned as he visibly gritted his teeth and turned away. My heart went out to Isobel when I heard her whimper.

"He doesn't want me!" Tears filled Isobel's eyes. "You saw that, right? He obviously scented that I was his mate and he turned away!"

"Isobel," I said, putting my arm around her. I felt helpless at the younger girl's misery. "Maybe...maybe he wasn't sure who he sensed or maybe -"

"He looked right at me!" Isobel wiped her eyes. "He just doesn't want me."

"I'm so sorry," I said softly. I couldn't imagine how much it would hurt if Zev had rejected me. How could Nash do that to Isobel? "Maybe he's going to wait until you turn seventeen," I suggested.

Isobel shook her head. "I told you, he rarely talks to me. He's probably just disappointed that I ended up being his true mate."

"I could talk to him," I offered.

"No," Isobel dried her eyes and a look of determination filled them. "No. If he doesn't want me, then that's fine. I'll ignore the call to him when I turn seventeen. It's not like you have to be with your true mate, I'll find a compatible one instead when the time comes. I can do better than him anyway." She tossed her hair over her shoulder, her eyes flashing. "Remember, you promised not to tell." She reminded me.

"Right," I said unhappily. I wished I knew what to say, how to help. "I won't but I think you should talk to someone. How about your mom?"

Isobel shrugged. "Maybe when I turn seventeen I will. What's the point now?"

"The point is you like Nash. You already feel something for him," I pointed out gently. "Just think how much more intense your feelings will be when you do turn seventeen."

"I'll be able to handle it," Isobel said, her lips quivering a little. "I'll be immune to it by then. I'm already getting there. Nash is a jerk."

"Oh Is, you don't really think that," I sighed.

"Yes I do," Isobel said stubbornly. "I was stupid to think he doesn't matter. I'm so over him." She turned and walked away, to the opposite side of the house from where Nash was standing.

I wished I hadn't promised to not tell Zev because I wasn't sure how to help Isobel. And why was Nash ignoring the mating call that he was obviously feeling? I sought the birthday boy out with my eyes and noticed that he didn't look like he was enjoying his party very much. He had a smile on his face but his eyes kept roving to where Isobel was chatting with her friends. I sighed. Why were they making things so complicated?

An awkward moment came when Nash was opening his presents and opened Isobel's. "Wow! I've been looking everywhere for this!" His eyes shining, he eagerly looked around. "Where is Isobel?"

"I think she left," One of the teenagers said.

"She left?" Nash bit his lip and stared at his game. "Oh. I'll have to thank her later."

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